- Introduces us to OOP
- Develop an incremental project
- Start applying refactor techniques
- Getting closer little by little to Spring Boot architecture
BookManager is a Java-based application designed to efficiently manage a collection of programming books. It offers a user-friendly interface to perform the following operations:
- Add new books: Allows users to input details such as title, author, ISBN, and publication year for a new book.
- See all books: Displays a list of all books in the collection, including their details.
- Delete existing books: Enables users to remove a specific book from the collection based on its ID or other criteria.
- Switch between console and DB repositories: Switches between console-based and database-based storage for the book collection.
- Exit: Terminates the application.
|--- src
|--- main
|--- java
|--- config
|--- MySQLConnection
|--- logic
|--- Book
|--- BookManager
|--- BookRepository
|--- persistance
|--- InMemoryRepository
|--- MySQLBookRepository
|--- presentation
|--- ApplicationView
|--- Main
|--- test
|--- java
|--- org.example.persistance
|--- InMemoryRepositoryTest