🔸First Step
#import libraries with command: "pip install" and write the name of the librarie(smtplib and schedule).
import os
import smtplib
from email.message import EmailMessage
import schedule
#Adding your Email (Google: "gmail")
email = "youremail@gmail.com"
🔹Second Step
'''here, you will visit your google and make the following settings:
1-Enable two-factor option.
2- Visit: https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords
3- Generate password with google email category.
4- put password in a notepad file.'''
with open('senha.txt') as f: #upload previously developed notepad file
senha = f.readlines() #Consult file
f.close() #Stop Consult File
senha_do_email = senha[0]
#Email Informations
msg = EmailMessage()
msg['Subject'] = 'Enviando e-mail com Python'
msg['From'] = 'seuemail@gmail.com'
msg['To'] = 'qualquercoisa@gmail.com'
msg.set_content("Segue o relatório diário")
🔻Third Step
#Example of attaching file
with open('minecraft.pdf', 'rb') as content_file:
content = content_file.read()
msg.add_attachment(content, maintype='application', subtype='pdf', filename='minecraft.pdf')
#Sending Email
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.gmail.com', 465) as smtp:
smtp.login(email, senha_do_email)
⚠️ Suggestion
#Now Add the codes in a "def" and create a time with schedule tasks
schedule.every().hours.at("06:00").do('''Your-Def-Name''') #enter the codes on the Clock at 6:00 am
while 1:
schedule.run_pending() #Play in the schedule