- openDAW 🔊 | A new holistic exploration of music creation inside your browser
- malachite audio filter bank 🔊 | An interative audio eq demo with graphics by ui mother
- circle modulation 🔊 | Using circles as parameter modulation source
- radar 🔊 | Circular sample player with obstacles
- pulsate 🔊 | Click to create circles that sequence nice patterns
- tonewheels 🔊 | Wheels that trigger notes
- rotary 🔊 | Generation of randomized hud-circles with sound and fx
- filaments | Pretty filaments
- clash | Physics engine based on dynamic intersection
- speech scheduler | Use the web-speech api to create spoken turorials with events and user-interaction
- web audio api | automator editor
- ffm | Online ffmpeg converter
- Tileset extractor
- XBM Editor
- atomix 🕹 | A repainted web-version of the classic C64 puzzle game Atomix | Youtube
- setera 🕹 | A mutliplayer tablet version of SET
- compact | A Mobile Friendly Audiotool Music Navigator
- discography | My Audiotool Discography