Environment to test, visualize, and process Lowrance plotter/sounder data. All with the help of https://github.com/opensounder/python-sllib for interpreting the actual files.
You will need to have docker installed on your machine to follow the instructions. Also make sure that you have the sample-data submodule cloned.
git submodule update --init --recursive
Using the read_echogram.ipynb file, one can visualize and process sonar images such as
Using the depthmap.ipynb file, one can interpolate and plot a bathymetry map such as
Using the geojson_on_map.ipynb file, one can visualize the trajectory of the sonar in a google maps like map called GeoJSON.
make build
# now wait while the image is being built
make run
# follow the instructions that and browse to the link provided by
# jupyter in the end
Could be from you linux terminal as well but you will have to make some adjustments.
docker build -t sllib-scipy-notebook -f containers/Dockerfile containers/
# this works in powershell on windows, adapt to your environment
docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes `
-v "${PWD}:/home/jovyan/work" `
- PyKrige install:
pip install pykrige
The sl2 files and the csv files are stored in the APRILab Google Drive