A program to automatically set your wallpaper from your selected reddit subs
This is a simple app that fetches random wallpaper from reddit and set it as background
you can select the subreddits you want to chose with redwall config
git clone https://github.com/andrewasd/RedditWallPaper.git && cd RedditWallPaper && chmod +x install.sh && ./install.sh
Chose desired subreddits and configurations:
redwall config
**set random background once: **
redwall change
change random background every x seconds
redwall set <seconds>
to stop: redwall stop
override configs with:
redwall change -r <subreddit> -s <sort> -l <limit>
all parameters are optional
example: redwall change -r earthPorn -s hot -l 30
you can also select to match something example
redwall change -r earthPorn -m norway
returns a pic from /r/earthPorn related to norway
you can call the match also without the sub
redwall change -m norway
return a pic related to norway regardless of the subreddit