01/08/2025 SWIR image of the LA (Altadena) wildfire. Source: Maxar Open Data Program
run locally with python -m http.server 8000
open browser and go to http://localhost:8000/
Handle 4+ band GeoTIFF -
Add additional bands to the R, G, B band selector -
Implement histogram clippling for raster layers (e.g., 2%-98%) - Implement dynamic user selected percent clip values, add lower/upper bound box to rasterControlPanel
- Calculate min/max values for each band in the image vs 1st 3 bands/arrays
- User controlled style of drawn features
- Center click and pan while drawing a feature
- Attribute pop up when clicking a feature
- Edit attributes in pop up
- UUID/DTG for default GeoJSON file name
- Button to zoom to active drawn features (similar to zoom to GeoTIFF/Coords/Home)
- Fix bug where switching shapes gets "stuck" until clicking off previous shape type or random feature drawn before continuing
- Develop backend python/gdal process to ensure uploaded GeoTIFFs are proper formats for display (e.g., EPSG 4326/3857, byte scaled, COG, internally tiled, compression, etc.)
- Add Raster layer from external web source
- Add vector layer from database