This is an assignment I gave out while teaching the CIS 6060 course in Winter 2021 at the University of Guelph School of Computer Science. It will give you an overview of how to set up a simple machine learning data analysis pipeline and provide you a starting place for similar work.
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This assignment will give you a taste of running a machine-learning pipeline using scikit-learn, numpy, and pandas in the Python 3 environment.
To be sure that you have the required libraries in your Python environment, you will want to be sure that you have them installed. Here are the install lines to use if you are using pip
python3 -m pip install pandas
python3 -m pip install numpy
python3 -m pip install scikit-learn
python3 -m pip install matplotlib
python3 -m pip install seaborn
For this assignment, we wish to do three things:
- we want to extend our machine-learning pipeline possibilities with another data set
- we want to extend a "support vector machine" machine-learning pipeline to also attempt the use of "logistic regression"
- based on the logistic regression results, we wish to analyze the performance on each data set
As in the last assignment, the main deliverable will be report based on your findings. See details on what should be in the report below
For the machine-learning tools in scikit-learn
the input data needs
to be formatting in a tabular organization, where each row is a "sample"
that includes a "label" to be learned.
Consider this table for data for the relationship "logical AND", where
the "Result
" is 1 (true) if both of the inputs "A
" and "B
" are true:
If we load this table from a .csv
file using pandas
, we can extract
the "label" column "Result
" and use the other two "feature data" columns
to describe the rows capturing the relationships in the observed data.
Typically, we may refer to this division as the matrix
For the scikit-learn algorithms, all the values in both the matrix
Any data that you choose for your own problem of interest will need to be converted into this form. Take a look at the provided data files to see examples of this format.
The citation for this data set is provided in the file in the src subdirectory.
The Abalone data set in data-abalone-UCI
provides a
relatively small example. In this problem
In the Abalone data set, the
There is a script called
in the directory data-abalone-UCI
that with very small adaptation
can be used to convert any of the
UCI Machine Learning Repository
datasets to this standard form.
The citation for this data set is provided in the file in the src subdirectory.
This data set in data-cancer-by-gene-expression
provides a table
The fact that the table is very wide but quite short means that we will have to do "dimensionality reduction" on this data -- see PCA below.
There are tools provided for you to run an analysis of both the Abalone and Cancer by Gene Expression data sets, and divide the data up for each data set to allow for training and testing using either cross validation or a simple split.
These are provided in files for "train-vs-test" runs and "cross-validation":
train -vs- test runs:
: This is the simplest pipeline. It divides the data provided in the data set up into a portion for testing and separate portions for training and "validation".Dividing the data up in this way is important, as if the same values are presented to the learning system to "test" as were used to "train" then it is much the same situation as giving exactly the same problems to students to learn a topic and evaluate their learning -- we cannot tell the difference between students who "actually learned" the material and those who simply memorized the answers. Machine learning systems will defintely "memorize the answers" if they can.
We divide into three portions as we want to figure out what the best tuning parameters are for the learning system, and we have the same need for indepenent sets of problem data for tuning (a.k.a. validation data) and for the actual training data to learn the problem.
This pipeline therefore divides the data up as follows:
- 25% for testing, and the remaining 75% divided into
- 50% for validation (so 37.5% of the total)
- 50% for training (so 37.5% of the total)
Training the system on this gives us a single estimate of how well the system was able to learn the problem.
- 25% for testing, and the remaining 75% divided into
: This pipeline performs the same "train -vs- test" analysis as the previous example, but on the Cancer data. As the Cancer data has so few rows relative to the number of columns, PCA is used as a dimensionality reduction technique.Note that because there are few rows in this problem, it runs considerably faster than the Abalone problem.
The result of running these pipelines will be placed in directories named
. -
cross validation runs:. The tools below run a full 5-fold cross validation analysis on the two data sets in order to provide 5 estimates for each evaluation. This will allow an estimate of the variability in the performance to be calculated, and also a paired
$t$ -test to be used to compare performances between algorithms (more below)-
: run a cross validation pipeline on the Abalone data -
: run a cross validation pipeline on the Cancer By Gene Expression data
The result of running these pipelines will be placed in directories named
. -
Each of these calls several python3 scripts to do the work. These are:
: These scripts divide up the rows of the provided$X$ and$y$ values into independent sets of samples, ensuring that the resulting sets are "stratified" according to the labels in$y$ . -
: this takes the data for a particular analysis as produced by one of the previous scripts, and projects it into a standardized space. There are two steps to this:-
individually scale the values in each of the columns in
$X$ so that the have zero mean and unit standard deviation based on the portion set aside for training. (This removes unit problems, and ensures that the learning system treats each column as of equal potential importance.) -
(optionally) projects the data to a lower-dimensional space using Principal Components Analysis. While making the data more difficult to interpret, it has several advantages:
reduces the number of dimensions, allowing tables that are wider than they are tall to be learned (as in the Cancer By Gene Expression problem)
reduces the number of dimensions, reducing the training time
allows two-dimensional plots to be made of the two "most important" dimensions
: this script trains and provides analysis of the ability to learn a data problem using the popular "Support Vector Machine Classifier" algorithm. While most people refer to this as an "SVM", scikit-learn calls this an "SVC". It is the same thing.
To add another algorithm, I suggest copying
as a starting place,
and then adding your new script to each pipeline.
Note that the Logistic Regression tool in scikit-learn documentation is available online.
Once you have run the evaluations, and in particular the 5 fold cross validation evaluations, you will have multiple estimates of the performance of the various classifiers on the data sets.
In your report, you should provide an analysis that lets you approach the following questions:
What is the mean and standard deviation of the key performance metrics for each classifier for each problem:
- accuracy
- precision
- recall
- F-measure
Does one classifier perform significantly better than another in terms of accuracy for a given problem?
Approach this by calculating a paired
$t$ -test of the performance measures for a pair of classfiers. As exactly the same decisions are being made for data in the same fold by different classfiers, these values can be paired together in this type of test.Note that if you compare three or more classifiers using multiple applications of the paired
$t$ -test, you will need to perform a Bonferroni Correction which essentially consists of multiplying your$p$ -values by the number of multiple comparisons (i.e.; if you compare three classifiers, A, B, and C, then you are comparing A:B, A:C and B:C for three comparisons, so you multiply each$p$ -value by 3). Some authors phrase this in terms of dividing your$\alpha$ by the number of comparisons -- the effect is the same.A more full discussion on multiple comparisons is available from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
What do the best parameters chosen in validation based grid search tell us about these problems?
Write your analysis up in a short report to explain what you have learned.