To setup:
chmod 777 synapse_data
docker compose up -d
sleep 10
This will start a synapse, element, and keycloak container. It will then setup:
- a new
user with a password ofpassword
- update the user to not be rate limited
- restart synapse for this to take effect
- retrieve the access token
- create a Moodle configuration file
You probably will want to add aliases to your /etc/hosts file. You can copy/paste these in: element.container.docker.internal element synapse.container.docker.internal synapse keycloak.container.docker.internal keycloak
This will allow you to access the containers locally using the following URLs:
- Element: https://element:8081
- Synapse: https://synapse:8448
- KeyCloak: https://keycloak:8443
There are also non-ssl variants for both Synapse, and KeyCloak:
- Synapse: http://synapse:8008
- KeyCloak: http://keycloak:8080
You may wish to import the CA certificate from ssl/certs/ca.pem
and trust it as a root certificate.
This will allow you to access the containers easily without any certificate validation issues and may be required for Moodle.
Please note that the certificate included in this repository, was created with a certificate authority whose private key has been destroyed.
This is a single-use Certificate Authority intended for the sole purposes of testing Matrix in Moodle.
If you wish to provide your own certificates, you can use a tool like mkcert
to create them.
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k '/Library/Keychains/System.keychain' `pwd`/ssl/certs/ca.pem
You will likely also need to add the certificate into the OpenSSL keychain from the OSX Keychain. One tool to help with this is osx-ca-certs.
sudo cp `pwd`/ssl/certs/ca.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/moodle-synapse-containers-ca.crt
sudo update-ca-certificates
Wait... people run that junk?
After running the setup, you will find a new moodle-config.php
If you run the command provided, this should add this file into your Moodle site's config.php.
If you need to reset, you can run the following script to remove the docker containers and all configuration:
You can also copy the clean-matrix.php
script into your Moodle directory and run this:
This will remove all configured rooms in Moodle.
php clean-matrix.php
Warning: This is destructive! This is intended for developer usage only!