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An asynchronous Python library for controlling Denon and Marantz products with HEOS® Built-in


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An asynchronous Python library for controlling Denon and Marantz products with HEOS® Built-in through the HEOS CLI Protocol (version 1.21 for HEOS firmware 3.40 or newer).


pip install pyheos

Getting Started

Heos class

The Heos class is the implementation providing control to all HEOS compatible devices on the local network through a single network connection. It is suggested to connect to a device that is hard-wired.

pyheos.Heos.create_and_connect(host: str, **kwargs) -> Heos

Coroutine that accepts the host and options arguments (as defined in the pyheos.HeosOptions below), creates an instance of Heos and connects, returning the instance.

pyheos.Heos(options: HeosOptions)

  • options: HeosOptions: An instance of HeosOptions that encapsulates options and configuration (see below)

pyheos.Heos.connect() -> None

Connect to the specified host. This method is a coroutine.

pyheos.Heos.disconnect() -> None

Disconnect from the specified host. This method is a coroutine.

pyheos.Heos.get_players(*, refresh)

Retrieve the available players as a dict[int, pyheos.Heos.HeosPlayer] where the key represents the player_id and the value the HeosPlayer instance. This method is a coroutine. This method will populate the players property and will begin tracking changes to the players.

  • refresh: Set to True to retrieve the latest available players from the CLI. The default is False and will return the previous loaded players.

HeosOptions class

This class encapsulates the options and configuration for connecting to a HEOS system.

pyheos.HeosOptions(host, *, timeout, heart_beat, heart_beat_interval, dispatcher, auto_reconnect, auto_reconnect_delay, auto_reconnect_max_attempts, credentials)

  • host: str: A host name or IP address of a HEOS-capable device. This parameter is required.
  • timeout: float: The timeout in seconds for opening a connection and issuing commands to the device. Default is pyheos.const.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10.0. This parameter is required.
  • heart_beat: bool: Set to True to enable heart beat messages, False to disable. Used in conjunction with heart_beat_delay. The default is True.
  • heart_beat_interval: float: The interval in seconds between heart beat messages. Used in conjunction with heart_beat. Default is pyheos.const.DEFAULT_HEART_BEAT = 10.0
  • events: bool: Set to True to enable event updates, False to disable. The default is True.
  • all_progress_events: bool: Set to True to receive media progress events, False to only receive media changed events. The default is True.
  • dispatcher: pyheos.Dispatcher | None: The dispatcher instance to use for event callbacks. If not provided, an internally created instance will be used.
  • auto_reconnect: bool: Set to True to automatically reconnect if the connection is lost. The default is False. Used in conjunction with auto_reconnect_delay.
  • auto_reconnect_delay: float: The number of seconds to wait before attempting to reconnect upon a connection failure. The default is DEFAULT_RECONNECT_DELAY = 10.0. Used in conjunction with auto_reconnect.
  • auto_reconnect_max_attempts: float: The maximum number of reconnection attempts before giving up. Set to 0 for unlimited attempts. The default is 0 (unlimited).
  • credentials: credentials to use to automatically sign-in to the HEOS account upon successful connection. If not provided, the account will not be signed in.
import pyheos

heos = await Heos.create_and_connect('', auto_reconnect=True)

players = await heos.get_players()
await heos.disconnect()