-- import "astuart.co/edgeos-rest/pkg/edgeos"
Package edgeos provides a Go client for interfacing with EdgeOS devices. It has been developed and tested against the ERLite running v1.9.1 firmware. Thus far, it serves primarily to expose high-level generic functionality as well as a specific implementation for the port forwarding features.
type Client struct {
Username, Password, Address string
Path, Suffix, LoginEndpoint string
A Client can interact with the EdgeOS REST API
func NewClient(addr, username, password string) (*Client, error)
NewClient returns an initialized Client for interacting with an EdgeOS device
func (c *Client) Feature(s Scenario) (Resp, error)
Feature takes an EdgeOS "Scenario" as an argument and returns a Resp representing the JSON returned by the API.
func (c *Client) FeatureFor(s Scenario, out interface{}) error
FeatureFor takes a scenario and a pointer to a struct. The JSON response will be
deserialized into the out
object, and any errors will be returned.
func (c *Client) Get() (Resp, error)
Get returns some standard configuration information from EdgeOS
func (c *Client) GetJSON(endpoint string, data interface{}) (Resp, error)
GetJSON takes an endpoint and data for the POST body (or GET if data
is nil)
and returns the Resp type that contains the data response from the endpoint.
func (c *Client) JSONFor(endpoint string, data, out interface{}) error
JSONFor is a high-level method that takes an endpoint, a post body, and a pointer to a struct into which the JSON should be decoded.
func (c *Client) Login() error
Login sets up an http session with the EdgeOS device using the supplied endpoint and credentials
func (c *Client) PortForwards() (*FeatureResponse, error)
func (c *Client) SetFeature(s Scenario, data interface{}) (Resp, error)
SetFeature allows users to programmatically update features
func (c *Client) SetFeatureFor(s Scenario, data interface{}, out interface{}) error
SetFeatureFor takes a "Scenario", some data to send, and a pointer to an interface into which the JSON response will be decoded.
type Config struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
GET struct {
Firewall struct {
AllPing string `json:"all-ping"`
BroadcastPing string `json:"broadcast-ping"`
Ipv6ReceiveRedirects string `json:"ipv6-receive-redirects"`
Ipv6SrcRoute string `json:"ipv6-src-route"`
IPSrcRoute string `json:"ip-src-route"`
LogMartians string `json:"log-martians"`
Name struct {
LANLOCAL struct {
DefaultAction string `json:"default-action"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Rule struct {
Num1 struct {
Action string `json:"action"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Destination struct {
Group struct {
AddressGroup string `json:"address-group"`
} `json:"group"`
} `json:"destination"`
Log string `json:"log"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
Source struct {
Group interface{} `json:"group"`
} `json:"source"`
State struct {
Established string `json:"established"`
Invalid string `json:"invalid"`
New string `json:"new"`
Related string `json:"related"`
} `json:"state"`
} `json:"1"`
Num2 struct {
Action string `json:"action"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Destination struct {
Group struct {
AddressGroup string `json:"address-group"`
} `json:"group"`
} `json:"destination"`
Log string `json:"log"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
Source struct {
Group interface{} `json:"group"`
} `json:"source"`
State struct {
Established string `json:"established"`
Invalid string `json:"invalid"`
New string `json:"new"`
Related string `json:"related"`
} `json:"state"`
} `json:"2"`
} `json:"rule"`
} `json:"LAN_LOCAL"`
WANIN struct {
DefaultAction string `json:"default-action"`
Description string `json:"description"`
EnableDefaultLog interface{} `json:"enable-default-log"`
Rule struct {
Num20 struct {
Action string `json:"action"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Log string `json:"log"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
State struct {
Established string `json:"established"`
Invalid string `json:"invalid"`
New string `json:"new"`
Related string `json:"related"`
} `json:"state"`
} `json:"20"`
Num30 struct {
Action string `json:"action"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Log string `json:"log"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
Source struct {
Group interface{} `json:"group"`
} `json:"source"`
State struct {
Established string `json:"established"`
Invalid string `json:"invalid"`
New string `json:"new"`
Related string `json:"related"`
} `json:"state"`
} `json:"30"`
} `json:"rule"`
} `json:"WAN_IN"`
WANLOCAL struct {
DefaultAction string `json:"default-action"`
Description string `json:"description"`
EnableDefaultLog interface{} `json:"enable-default-log"`
Rule struct {
Num10 struct {
Action string `json:"action"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Log string `json:"log"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
State struct {
Established string `json:"established"`
Invalid string `json:"invalid"`
New string `json:"new"`
Related string `json:"related"`
} `json:"state"`
} `json:"10"`
Num20 struct {
Action string `json:"action"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Destination struct {
Group struct {
AddressGroup string `json:"address-group"`
} `json:"group"`
} `json:"destination"`
Log string `json:"log"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
} `json:"20"`
Num30 struct {
Action string `json:"action"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Log string `json:"log"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
Source struct {
Group interface{} `json:"group"`
} `json:"source"`
State struct {
Established string `json:"established"`
Invalid string `json:"invalid"`
New string `json:"new"`
Related string `json:"related"`
} `json:"state"`
} `json:"30"`
} `json:"rule"`
} `json:"WAN_LOCAL"`
} `json:"name"`
Options interface{} `json:"options"`
ReceiveRedirects string `json:"receive-redirects"`
SendRedirects string `json:"send-redirects"`
SourceValidation string `json:"source-validation"`
SynCookies string `json:"syn-cookies"`
} `json:"firewall"`
Interfaces struct {
Ethernet struct {
Eth0 struct {
Address []string `json:"address"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Duplex string `json:"duplex"`
Firewall struct {
In struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
} `json:"in"`
Local struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
} `json:"local"`
} `json:"firewall"`
Speed string `json:"speed"`
} `json:"eth0"`
Eth1 struct {
Address []string `json:"address"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Duplex string `json:"duplex"`
Firewall struct {
Local struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
} `json:"local"`
} `json:"firewall"`
Speed string `json:"speed"`
} `json:"eth1"`
Eth2 struct {
Duplex string `json:"duplex"`
Speed string `json:"speed"`
} `json:"eth2"`
} `json:"ethernet"`
Loopback struct {
Lo interface{} `json:"lo"`
} `json:"loopback"`
} `json:"interfaces"`
Service struct {
DhcpServer struct {
Disabled string `json:"disabled"`
HostfileUpdate string `json:"hostfile-update"`
SharedNetworkName struct {
Internal struct {
Authoritative string `json:"authoritative"`
Subnet struct {
One9216816122 struct {
DefaultRouter string `json:"default-router"`
DNSServer []string `json:"dns-server"`
DomainName string `json:"domain-name"`
Lease string `json:"lease"`
Start struct {
One9216816100 struct {
Stop string `json:"stop"`
} `json:""`
} `json:"start"`
StaticMapping struct {
BRN30055CC581BE struct {
IPAddress string `json:"ip-address"`
MacAddress string `json:"mac-address"`
} `json:"BRN30055CC581BE"`
R6300V2 struct {
IPAddress string `json:"ip-address"`
MacAddress string `json:"mac-address"`
} `json:"R6300v2"`
Astuart struct {
IPAddress string `json:"ip-address"`
MacAddress string `json:"mac-address"`
} `json:"astuart"`
} `json:"static-mapping"`
} `json:""`
} `json:"subnet"`
} `json:"Internal"`
} `json:"shared-network-name"`
UseDnsmasq string `json:"use-dnsmasq"`
} `json:"dhcp-server"`
DNS struct {
Forwarding struct {
CacheSize string `json:"cache-size"`
ListenOn []string `json:"listen-on"`
} `json:"forwarding"`
} `json:"dns"`
Gui struct {
HTTPPort string `json:"http-port"`
HTTPSPort string `json:"https-port"`
OlderCiphers string `json:"older-ciphers"`
} `json:"gui"`
Nat struct {
Rule struct {
Num5000 struct {
Description string `json:"description"`
Log string `json:"log"`
OutboundInterface string `json:"outbound-interface"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
Source struct {
Group interface{} `json:"group"`
} `json:"source"`
Type string `json:"type"`
} `json:"5000"`
} `json:"rule"`
} `json:"nat"`
Snmp struct {
Community struct {
Public struct {
Authorization string `json:"authorization"`
Network []string `json:"network"`
} `json:"public"`
} `json:"community"`
Contact string `json:"contact"`
Location string `json:"location"`
} `json:"snmp"`
SSH struct {
Port string `json:"port"`
ProtocolVersion string `json:"protocol-version"`
} `json:"ssh"`
} `json:"service"`
System struct {
DomainName string `json:"domain-name"`
HostName string `json:"host-name"`
Login struct {
User struct {
Andrew struct {
Authentication struct {
EncryptedPassword string `json:"encrypted-password"`
PlaintextPassword string `json:"plaintext-password"`
PublicKeys struct {
AndrewAstuart struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Type string `json:"type"`
} `json:"andrew@astuart"`
AndrewDesktop struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Type string `json:"type"`
} `json:"andrew@desktop"`
} `json:"public-keys"`
} `json:"authentication"`
FullName string `json:"full-name"`
Level string `json:"level"`
} `json:"andrew"`
} `json:"user"`
} `json:"login"`
NameServer []string `json:"name-server"`
Offload struct {
Hwnat string `json:"hwnat"`
Ipsec string `json:"ipsec"`
Ipv4 struct {
Forwarding string `json:"forwarding"`
} `json:"ipv4"`
Ipv6 struct {
Forwarding string `json:"forwarding"`
} `json:"ipv6"`
} `json:"offload"`
Syslog struct {
Global struct {
Facility struct {
All struct {
Level string `json:"level"`
} `json:"all"`
Protocols struct {
Level string `json:"level"`
} `json:"protocols"`
} `json:"facility"`
} `json:"global"`
Host struct {
One9216816115140 struct {
Facility struct {
All struct {
Level string `json:"level"`
} `json:"all"`
} `json:"facility"`
} `json:""`
LogsAstuartCo5140 struct {
Facility struct {
All struct {
Level string `json:"level"`
} `json:"all"`
} `json:"facility"`
} `json:"logs.astuart.co:5140"`
} `json:"host"`
} `json:"syslog"`
TimeZone string `json:"time-zone"`
TrafficAnalysis struct {
Dpi string `json:"dpi"`
Export string `json:"export"`
} `json:"traffic-analysis"`
} `json:"system"`
Vpn interface{} `json:"vpn"`
Protocols struct {
Static struct {
Route struct {
One7231254124 struct {
NextHop struct {
One921681612 struct {
Description string `json:"description"`
Distance string `json:"distance"`
} `json:""`
} `json:"next-hop"`
} `json:""`
One7231255124 struct {
NextHop struct {
One921681611 struct {
Description string `json:"description"`
Distance string `json:"distance"`
} `json:""`
} `json:"next-hop"`
} `json:""`
} `json:"route"`
} `json:"static"`
} `json:"protocols"`
TrafficControl interface{} `json:"traffic-control"`
} `json:"GET"`
SESSIONID string `json:"SESSION_ID"`
type Feature struct {
Data PortForwards
// Data interface{}
Definition interface{}
Deletable string
Success string
type FeatureResponse struct {
Feature Feature `json:"FEATURE"`
FeatureResponse encapsulates the Response metadata and the Feature
type LanConfig map[string]string
LanConfig is a simple string map that encapsulates the LAN configuration data.
type PortForward struct {
PortFrom string `json:"original-port"`
PortTo string `json:"forward-to-port"`
IPTo string `json:"forward-to-address"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
Description string `json:"description"`
PortForward is a struct that represents a port forwarding rule
type PortForwards struct {
AutoFirewall string `json:"auto-firewall"`
HairpinNAT string `json:"hairpin-nat"`
WAN string `json:"wan"`
Lans []LanConfig `json:"lans-config"`
Rules []PortForward `json:"rules-config"`
PortForwards is a struct that represents the response from the API for with the list of port forwards, etc.
type Resp map[string]interface{}
Resp is the basic response type for the EdgeOS API. Higher-level methods will tend to skip this type and return strongly-typed objects for specific endpoints.
type Response struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
Error string `json:"error"`
Response is a struct (intended for embedding) that represents response metadata returned by the EdgeOS API.
type Scenario string
Scenario is just a string type to encourage the use of internal constants.
const (
PortForwarding Scenario = ".Port_Forwarding"
Common feature endpoints