Code demonstrating Pilot Point technique for highly parameterized inversion with PEST
This is a somewhat controversial approach, pioneered by Doherty et al (2015)
Doherty, J. (2003), Ground Water Model Calibration Using Pilot Points and Regularization. Groundwater, 41: 170-177. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2003.tb02580.x
Experimental/Field data generated using a "truth" MODfLOW model
- 800x500 cells, (1m x 1m)
- Constatnt heads North and South boundaries.
- 2D scale-invariant gaussian random field for hydraulic conductivities
- variant on this model used in fault_example has 6 high K units running E-W (150 m/day)
Estimating cell-by-cell hydraulic conductivities for a simple MODFLOW model
- 80x50 cells, (10m x 10m)
- Constatnt heads North and South boundaries.
A Power point presentation summarizing results from these simulations is included as "Pest Trial and Errors.ppt"**
Required python packages: Matplotlib, flopy, numpy, shutil, skimage
Required Software: PEST - Make sure PEST is specified as a system PATH variable on your machine.
Included software 2D scale-invariant gaussian random field generator ( - MODFLOW 2005 (mf2006.exe) - MODPATH 6 (mp6.exe) -
There are four examples included in this repository, each in its own directory.
Within each example there are four folders
contains the MODFLOW model used by PEST and python scripts for initalizing pilot point data and kriging estimated values to the modflow model grid
contains a clone fo the modflow model used by PEST, along with python scripts to perform MODPATH simulations
contains the python script for generating PEST input files
contains the MODFLOW model representing the truth. Experimental/Field measurments used by PEST originate from this model. Also contains python script to perform MODPATH simulations.
and a python script for generating figures ""
pilot_points_example_1 : 50 pilot points, spherical variogram model - good example of overfitting!
pilot_points_example_2 : 12 pilot points, spherical variogram model
pilot_points_tkreg_example : 12 pilot points, spherical variogram model, Tikhonov Regularisation
fault_example : 40 pilot points, spherical variogram, Used different truth model (6 high K units - 150m/d).
Open the directory correpsonding to the example.
Navigate to ..xxx_example\Truth\modflow and run - This generates the truth MODFLOW model
Navigate to ..xxx_example\Truth and run - This generates a modpath simulation for the truth MODFLOW model
Navigate to ..xxx_example\Model\modflow and run - This initalizes the MODFLOW model used by PEST. The variable fmain specifies the path to the current example directory and may need to be modified.
Navigate to ..xxx_example\Model and run - This initalizes the pilot point data using output from truth MODFLOW model. The variable fmain may need to be modified.
Navigate to ..xxx_example\pest and run - This builds the PEST input files.The variable fmain may need to be modified.
To execute PEST, open Command Prompt in adminstrator mode and set the current directory to ...xxx_example\pest and enter the command > pest.exe example.pst This will run PEST for the given example
Once PEST has finished, navigate to ..xxx_example\Model_results\modflow and run "" - This will generate a MODFLOW model based on the optimized pilot point parameter values delieved by PEST. The variable fmain may need to be modified.
navigate to ..xxx_example\Model_results and run "" - this generates a MODPATH simulation to compare with the truth simulation
Finally, navigate back to ...\xxx_example and run "" - this generates figures comparing the PEST results to the truth model. The variable fmain may need to be modified.