A Python script that parses a Tagalog dictionary website and converts it into several useful formats.
This parser parses the dictionary from Pinoy Dictionary in HTML format and outputs it to JSON format, frequency list, and word list.
40,064 words collected (as of 08/09/2024)
Resource | Format | Link |
Dictionary | json | output/tgl_dictionary.json |
Frequency list | csv | output/tgl_freqlist.csv |
Word list | txt | output/tgl_wordlist.txt |
The JSON dictionary is structured as a list of words and its corresponding list of attributes. The attributes include part of speech, definition, etymology, classifications, synonyms, antonyms, example sentences, inflections, and sources. The entries are sorted alphabetically.
"word": "The word itself",
"attributes": [
"pos": "Simplified arts of speech",
"definition": "The definition",
"origin": "The etymology",
"classification": "Any classification",
"similar": [
"List of synonyms"
"opposite": [
"List of antonyms"
"examples": [
"List of example sentences that use the word"
"inflections": [
"List of inflected forms"
"sources": [
"List of sources"
The frequency list is structured as a list of words and its corresponding frequency value derived from the Leipzig Corpora Collection Dataset (2021 Wikipedia 100k corpus). The list is sorted from highest to lowest frequency value.
The word list is simply the list of words sorted alphabetically.
This project is licensed under the Apache License.
For more information contact maagmaandrian@gmail.com with any additional questions or comments.