This projects contains below requirement
- Minimum supported SDK = 16
- Used MVVM & Repository Design Pattern
- Unit Test cases with Mockito, Mockwebserver, Espresso.
Development Tools
- KOTLIN as development language
- Git as version control system
- OkHttp and Retrofit for networking
- Dagger for dependency injection
- RX Java for ASYNC Call
- Mockito and MockWebServer for mocking objects and network requests respectively in tests (ServiceTest)
Positive & Negative Scenario.
- Launch app and you can see Weather screen to see weather data.
- Switch Off the internet and launch the app, you can see error screen and Retry button.
- I have written sample test cases to show the code coverage using MOCKITO/ESPRESSO.
Folder Structure ─WeatherApp ├───uitility └───weatherforcast ├───data │ ├───remote │ │ ├───api │ │ └───weatherdata │ │ ├───request │ │ └───response │ └───repo ├───di │ ├───builder │ ├───component │ └───module ├───view └───viewmodel