Haxe API docset for Dash / Zeal.
- Go to Dash's Preferences.
- Switch to the Downloads tab.
- Select User Contributed.
- Find the Haxe row and press the Download button.
- Tools -> Docsets.
- Click the Add feed button.
- Enter this feed URL: https://andyli.github.io/DashDox/haxe.xml
- Close. (It may tell you to wait, if so, wait a moment then click the close button again.)
- Install Haxe.
- Build the haxe documentation by following the instruction of Dox.
- Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/andyli/DashDox.git
. - Install the dependency:
haxelib install build.hxml
. - Build the generation program:
haxe build.hxml
- Run it:
neko Main.n -name Haxe -html-doc path/to/dox/bin/pages -xml-doc path/to/dox/bin/xml -icon haxe.png -out . -clean
To the extent possible under law,
Andy Li
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
Haxe API docset generator.
This work is published from:
Hong Kong.