LindebrosClient is a client written in Swift. It is a URLSession
implementation that makes it easy and convenient to make requests to a backend server.
- Install the client using the Swift Package Manager.
dependencies: [ .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.0.2")) ]
let config = Client.Configuration(baseURL: URL(string: "")!)
do {
let model: Model? = try await Client(config).get("/hello/world").dispatch()
} catch let e {
// Handle errors
Fetch with querystring params
let config = Client.Configuration(baseURL: URL(string: "")!)
let query = ParameterState(queryString: "a=b&c=d")
do {
let model: Model? = try await Client(config).get("/hello/world", with: query).dispatch()
} catch let e {
// Handle errors
let config = Client.Configuration(baseURL: URL(string: "")!)
struct PostData: Encodable {
var test: String
do {
let model: Model? = try await Client(config)
.post(PostData(test: "Andy"), to: "/hello/world").dispatch()
} catch let e {
// Handle errors
If you need to send a post request using form data you set contentType
to .form
. Default is .json
let config = Client.Configuration(baseURL: URL(string: "")!)
struct PostData: Encodable {
var test: String
do {
let model: Model? = try await Client(config)
.post(PostData(test: "Andy"), to: "/hello/world", contentType: .form)
} catch let e {
// Handle errors
let config = Client.Configuration(baseURL: URL(string: "")!)
struct PostData: Encodable {
var test: String
do {
let model: Model? = try await Client(config)
.put(PostData(test: "Andy"), to: "/hello/world/1")
} catch let e {
// Handle errors
let config = Client.Configuration(baseURL: URL(string: "")!)
struct PostData: Encodable {
var test: String
do {
let model: Model? = try await Client(config)
} catch let e {
// Handle errors
let config = Client.Configuration(baseURL: URL(string: "")!)
let model: Model? = try await Client(config)
.authenticate(by: "abc")
If you need to create a custom request with custom headers you can use the endpoint
let config = Client.Configuration(baseURL: URL(string: "")!)
struct PostData: Encodable {
var test: String
do {
let model: Model? = try await Client(config)
.setHeader(key: "Set-Cookie", value: "cool=awesome;")
.setBody(model: PostData(test: "Andy"))
.asyncRequest(urlSession: configuration.urlSession) // This function makes the request
} catch let e {
// Handle errors
The Client can fetch new client tokens automatically when the server responds with unauthorized (401) or forbidden (403). The token model will be provided in the CredentialsProvider option of the configuration. The token can be stored to disc and be reused in the next request made by the client. When a new token has been retrieved, the client will retry and make the original request again. This behaviour is only for requests made by anonymous users. 401 or 403 responses to logged in users will receive Errors.
To enable this, provide client credentals in the configuration.
class CredentialsManager: CredentialsProvider {
var credentials: Client.Credentials?
func provideCredentials() -> Client.Credentials? {
// credentials can here for example be fetched from keychain
return credentials
func setCredentials(to credentials: Client.Credentials) {
// credentials can here be saved to for example keychain
self.credentials = credentials
let client = Client(Client.Configuration(
baseURL: URL(string: "")!,
clientCredentials: Client.ClientCredentials(
clientSecret: "123",
clientId: "abc"
credentialsProvider: CredentialsManager()
You can mock the client by mocking the URLSession. In the configuration, apply your mockObject to the urlSession attribute in the configuration.
struct URLSessionSpy: URLSessionProvider {
func data(for request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, URLResponse) {
try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in .background).async {
do {
let model = try JSONEncoder().encode(Model())
let response = HTTPURLResponse(url: request.url!, statusCode: 200, httpVersion: nil, headerFields: nil)!
continuation.resume(returning: (model, urlResponse))
catch let e {
continuation.resume(throwing: e)
let client = Client(Client.Configuration(
baseURL: URL(string: "")!,
urlSession: URLSessionSpy(),
credentials: CredentialsMock.self
do {
let ad: Model? = try await client.get("/models/123").dispatch()
} catch let e {
// Handle error