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Tutorial 6: File conversion for HDExaminer

Andy Lau edited this page Oct 12, 2022 · 4 revisions

In version 2.3.1, we added a facility to Deuteros that expanded its analysis to HDExaminer files. A web-based Colab notebook is also available.

This (short) tutorial will cover how to convert HDExaminer files into the DynamX cluster format for input into Deuteros, as well as explain how the conversion is done for transparency.


Converting files in Deuteros

  1. Navigate to the File Conversion tab in Deuteros.
  2. Press browse and navigate to the HDExaminer file.
  3. If the Current Format and New Format are not HDExaminer and DynamX (Cluster), set them to these values.
  4. Press Convert and Done! should be displayed. The converted file is placed in the same directory as the HDExaminer file, with the _dynamx.csv suffix.
  5. In the Data Import box, Browse to the new _dynamx.csv file and import as usual. Give the following settings for import:


  1. Clicking on an imported peptide will generate the kinetics plot for the peptide. file_converter_imported_ui

HDExaminer vs DynamX Cluster format

HDExaminer file is a 36-column file that contains replicate-level data for peptides in their different experimental states. In contrast, the DynamX Cluster file has 15 columns, but also contains replicate-level data.

Most columns in The HDExaminer file are not necessary to generate a Cluster-like format. Below shows the mapping between HDExaminer and DynamX Cluster columns:

Cluster Col HDExaminer Col Calculation
Protein Protein As is
Start Start As is
End End As is
Sequence Sequence As is
Modification Leave empty
Fragment Leave empty
MaxUptake Calculate from sequence: (n_res-n_pro-1)
MHP 'Exp Cent' - '# Deut'
State Protein State As is
Exposure Deut Time Remove trailing 's'
File Experiment As is
z Charge As is
RT Search RT As is
Inten Max Inty As is
Center Exp Cent As is