Go to a random page.
Additonal optional filters:
- Go to a random page excluding daily notes
- Go to a random page containing a given tag
If you don't know what it is, check its webpage, but if you want me to spoil the fun: it is an extensible note taking app with markdown and plain files at its core (well... there is a bit of magic in there too, but what good it would be without a little magic?)
To build this plug, make sure you have plugos-bundle
installed. If not, be sure to have Deno installed first, then run:
deno install -f -A --unstable --importmap https://deno.land/x/silverbullet/import_map.json https://deno.land/x/silverbullet/plugos/bin/plugos-bundle.ts
After this, build the plug with
deno task build
Or to watch for changes and rebuild automatically
deno task watch
Then, load the locally built plug, add it to your PLUGS
note with an absolute path, for instance:
- file:/Users/you/path/to/hello.plug.json
And run the Plugs: Update
command in SilverBullet.
If you would like to install this plug straight from Github, make sure you have the .json
file committed to the repo and simply add
- github:user/plugname/plugname.plug.json
to your PLUGS
file, run Plugs: Update
command and off you go!
Don't you know that the Lone Ranger used silver bullets to solve all the problems?