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Short experiment with Deep Q-Learning + KAN to play Flappy Bird.

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KAN It Play Flappy Bird?

Credits: Dinh Ngoc An


This is a simple project to test the capabilities of the KAN (Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks) model on a simple Flappy Bird game using Reinforcement Learning. Here, the RL algorithm used is Deep Q-Network (DQN) with the original Linear layer replaced with KAN model. For efficiency comparison, the original MLP model is also implemented for comparison, and an efficient implementation of KAN - FasterKAN will be used.

Model Overview



  1. Clone the repository

Clone the repository using the following command:

git clone
  1. Install the required packages

We recommend using a virtual environment to install the required packages and avoid dependencies issue (trust me, it's frustrating). You can create a virtual environment using the following command:

python -m venv venv

Then, activate the virtual environment:

source venv/bin/activate

Now, install the required packages using the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: In the src/kan folder you will find the implementation of the EfficientKAN ( and the FasterKAN (fasterkan_*.py) models. You may have to update these files using the latest implementation from the FasterKAN repository and EfficientKAN.


To train the model, simply run the following command:

python --env env_name --train --device cpu --render --num_episodes num_episodes
  • You can remove the --train flag to test the model without training it.
  • env_name is the name of the environment you want to use (hint: it should be the first header of config.yaml file).
  • device is the device you want to use for training (cpu or cuda).
  • render flag is used to render the game on a PyGame interface while testing only.
  • num_episodes is the number of episodes you want to test the model, defaults to 1.

Hyperparameters tuning

You can tune the hyperparameters in the config.yaml file. Here are some important hyperparameters that you might want to tune:

    env_id: Environment ID (flappy_bird)
    experience_replay_size: Size of the experience replay buffer
    batch_size: Batch size
    epsilon_start: Initial epsilon value
    epsilon_end: Final epsilon value
    epsilon_decay: Epsilon decay rate after each episode
    network_update_frequency: Frequency of updating the target network
    learning_rate: Learning rate
    discount_factor: Discount factor (default: 0.99)
    stop_on_reward: Stop training when the average reward reaches this value
        model_type: Either 'kan' or 'mlp' for experiment
        num_hidden_units: Number of hidden units in either of those model types (note that we only have one hidden layer).
        use_lidar: Whether to use lidar as input to the model (default: False)

Experiment results and Analysis

The following results are generated using the following hyperparameters:

Hyperparameter Value
Experience Replay Size 10000
Batch Size 32
Epsilon Start 1.0
Epsilon End 0.01
Epsilon Decay 0.99995
Network Update Frequency 1000
Learning Rate 0.0001
Discount Factor 0.99
Stop on Reward 100000
Number of States/Actions 12 and 2
Max Episodes 1000000

Training results

The following plots show the performance of the KAN and MLP models on the Flappy Bird game. The models were trained for 1000 episodes, and the mean rewards were calculated for each episode. Training results

Number of Parameters vs Performance

The following plot shows the number of parameters in the KAN and MLP models and their performance on the Flappy Bird game (measured by high score after 1000 runs). The KAN model produces more parameters from relatively fewer units compared to the MLP model, which explains why its best model (KAN with [12,128,128,2] layer) is only a third in high score compared to MLP's best model (MLP with [12,512,256,2] layer), with both having roughly 140K parameters. Number of Parameters vs Performance

High Score Boxplot

The following boxplot shows the high score distribution of the KAN and MLP models after 1000 runs. The best MLP model I trained achieves a higher high score compared to the best KAN model. However, KAN model is not that bad, especially for the best one ([12,128,128,2] hidden units) can produce high score of over 2000. Meanwhile, an MLP model with [12,256,128,2] hidden units can only achieve a high score of around 600. High Score Boxplot


So how do MLP and KAN play Flappy Bird? Let's see the gameplay of the best models of each model type:

  • MLP model with [12,512,256,2] hidden units. Note that the game goes on quite smoothly, as the bird flies through the pipes with ease:

MLP Gameplay

  • FasterKAN model with [12,128,128,2] hidden units. The bird also flies through the pipes with ease, but in some occasions the bird seems to fly closer to the pipes, increasing the risk of hitting them:

KAN Gameplay

Overall, both models can play Flappy Bird effectively, with the MLP model outperforming KAN model on paper. However, the KAN model demonstrates its capability to play the game effectively, achieving good performance with fewer hidden units and faster convergence compared to the MLP model with equivalent parameters count.

So, KAN it play Flappy Bird?

Yes, it KAN! 😊

Future work

  • Experiment with KAN Convolution Layer (KANVolver). To do this, we need the gameplay image as state instead of 12 coordinated states.
  • Experiment with more complex environments, such as adaptive learning rate (Cosine, etc.).
  • Compare CPU and GPU training and inference speed.
  • Try with a LIDAR version of Flappy Bird environment (180 states instead of 12).


This project is inspired by the Flappy Bird DQN tutorial by Tech with Tim.

Thank you also to FPT Software for providing me the necessary hardware to train the models overnight while I'm not working.


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