π Awesome lists about awesome Placekey related frameworks, libraries, software and resources!
This site is a crowdsourced collection of code, tools, datasets, and other resources related to Placekey. We are leveraging the [awesome-list] approach to organize and share the growing set of contributions from the community.
Please add to the list π π :
Do you have a software tool, research project, use case, code snippet, or data product related to or using Placekey, that you'd like to recommend or share? Please add it to the list using either:
- a pull request with your items added to the list. This is so easy, you can just edit the file directly in your browser and then click the "commit" button. or
- an new issue that includes details of what to add (link, description) and we will add it.
Don't see a category that matches your needs? Make a new one!
You can find out more about awesome-lists here.
A list of code snippets, scripts, notebooks, and workflows for reproducing the awesome Placekey catalog is here: https://github.com/Placekey/awesome-placekey
- Placekey Python library Python geo library and API client for Placekey.
- Placekey Notebooks Jupyter notebooks demonstrating functionality of the Placekey python library and Placekey API.
- Using Placekey in Tableau Jupyter notebook and Python script demonstrating use in Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep
- Placekey Javascript Library A JavaScript library for working with Placekeys.
- Placekey example by Fil
- Placekey R library {placekey} is an R package to interact with the Placekey API, and Get location info from a Placekey
- Placekey Snowflake External Function External Function for Snowflake which enables users to append Placekeys to their database tables directly from within Snowflake.
- Placekey expression Unfolded Studio is a geospatial data analysis and visual exploration service. It has Placekey data source support and provides Placekey functions
- Unofficial Placekey Go Library A Go library with basic geo feature support.
A list of tools that you can use for Placekey that require no code
- Placekey Google Sheets Add-on An Add-on for Google Sheets where you can append Placekeys to your dataset
- Placekey Microsoft Excel Add-in An Add-in for Microsoft Excel where you can append Placekeys to your dataset
- Placekey QGIS Plugin A plugin that enables you to append Placekeys to your layers, tables, or files within QGIS.