Try to solve some payroll problem in java ( Office Work )
There have all Java work which done with Vistasoft IT bangladesh Ltd.
Open CMD and type
java -jar location/[file-name].jar
if you want to run your jar file using exe file here i write some C code which help's to run jar file using cmd mode.
#include<windows.h> // call header file
// main function
int main(){
HWND window; // call window object
AllocConsole(); // find console
window = FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass", NULL); // get current console
ShowWindow(window, 0); // hide console
// run jar file using CMD
system("java -jar DeleteTrcFileFromOracleDatabase.jar");
return 0; // return
Now you compile your program and run myApp.exe
- commons-daemon-1.2.2-bin
- mySQL_and_Oracle_connector_driver_for_java
- sqljdbc_6.0
- UCanAccess-4.0.4-bin
- ZKFingerSDK+5.3_ZK10.0
- itextpdf-5.5.9
- itextpdf-5.1.0
- javax.mail
- jdk-8u231-windows-x64
- jna-5.5.0
- ZKFingerReader
- Jasper Report