Predict stock prices using python
Clone this repo and open an instance of terminal and cd to the project's file path, e.g
cd Users/User/Desktop/Stock-Prediction
Then, run the following in terminal:
pip install -r requirements.txt
from data.data_processor import PandasDataProcessor
from data.keras_data.keras_preprocessed_data import KerasPreprocessedData
from data.raw_data import YfinanceNSERawData
from model.keras_models.keras_model import LstmModel
ticker = 'Reliance'
model = LstmModel(ticker, KerasPreprocessedData, PandasDataProcessor, YfinanceNSERawData, name='model_1')
pred_date = '2022-02-04'
x, pred_date = model.predict(pred_date) # To get latest prediction call with pred_date = None
print(f'Model predicts that percentage change in closing price of {ticker} on {pred_date} will be: {x}')
(Currently, only symbols of NSE stocks can be used as a ticker)
This project has a Model class which can be used to train a model on a stock and predict the percentage change in closing price.
-> An abstract model class.
-> Inherits from Model
and uses keras LSTM
package contains classes responsible for getting raw data and processing it.
-> Abstract class to get raw data.
-> Inhertis from RawData
and fetches data from NSE using yfinance
->Abstract class for intermediate processing of raw data.
-> Inherits from DataProcessor
and uses pandas
and sklearn
for intermediate processing of raw data.
-> For final processing of data.
This is only for educational purposes and should not be used for actual trading. I won't be resposible for your losses.
Feel free to fork, play around, and submit PRs. I would be very grateful 😁 for any bug fixes 🐛 or feature additions.