Hello , Created this simple website for Gym purpose to help customers to go through easily with options they want and to help Gym Owners for quick and easy navigation. The Gym Management System shall also monitor the timings for the member. It shall allow the user to make fee payments. This tool shall hold all the details of gym members. It shall enable the user to make payments monthly, quarterly or annually. The existing Gym Management System did not have a user-friendly interface.
I have used microsoft azure Web App Service on microsoft azure we should login with our credentials , we have free trial account or we should cliam for studetnt subscription account , After login in Appservice click on Create Appservice and then fill the needed details as follows..
Then in Deployment Section deployment center-> setting till the needed details the repository name URL Branch
Then You can deploy website in overview when you click on url you can see your websiteDeployment.center
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