MetaDefender TeamCity plugin will scan your build with 30+ leading anti-malware engines to detect possible malware & will alert if any anti-virus engines are incorrectly flagging your software or application as malicious.
For more details setup & usage please see:
Download and install the newest package from the TeamCity plugin page.
For TeamCity 2020, in case you're receiving:
Responding with 403 status code due to failed CSRF check: authenticated POST request is made, but neither tc-csrf-token parameter nor X-TC-CSRF-Token header are provided.. For a temporary workaround, you can set internal property teamcity.csrf.paranoid=false and provide valid Origin=http://localhost:8090 header with your request
Update Server Administrator > Internal Properties, by setting the following 2 values:
Easiest way to build is by using the dockerfile:
This will create a docker image containing the build result & copy the
For specific product questions or issues please contact support.