Goal of the project is creating a simple phone book application which you can achieve basic actions such as adding new contact, editing contact and deleting contact from phone book.
This Back end project developed using MVC architecture.
We are using Java, Spring Boot and PostgreSQL. Also, we can access pgadmin to connect database.
- Docker: for installation
- Java 17+: for development
- Maven: for development
You can directly run the project using docker-compose
docker-compose up
To add new contact
Sample Request Body:
"firstName": "Anıl",
"lastName": "Can",
"phoneNumber":"0555 555 5555",
"gender": "MALE"
To edit contact
http://localhost:8080/api/phone-book/contact/edit/0555 555 5555/
Sample Request Body:
"firstName": "Anıl Can",
"lastName": "Özgök",
"phoneNumber":"0555 555 5555",
"gender": "MALE"
To delete contact
http://localhost:8080/api/phone-book/contact/delete/0555 555 5555/
Also you can find HTTP request on postman collection file.
To access pgadmin panel