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Tiled Diffusion and VAE optimize, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


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Tiled Diffusion & VAE



Please be aware that the License of this repo has changed to prevent some web shops from deceiving the customers. This extension is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA, everyone is FREE of charge to access, use, modify and redistribute with the same license.
You cannot use versions after AOE 2023.3.28 for commercial sales (only refers to code of this repo, the derived artworks are NOT restricted).

由于部分无良商家销售WebUI,捆绑本插件做卖点收取智商税,本仓库的许可证已修改为 CC BY-NC-SA,任何人都可以自由获取、使用、修改、以相同协议重分发本插件。
自许可证修改之日(AOE 2023.3.28)起,之后的版本禁止用于商业贩售 (不可贩售本仓库代码,但衍生的艺术创作内容物不受此限制)。

If you like the project, please give me a star! ⭐


The extension enables large image drawing & upscaling with limited VRAM via the following techniques:

  1. Two SOTA diffusion tiling algorithms: Mixture of Diffusers and MultiDiffusion
  2. My original Tiled VAE algorithm.
  3. My original TIled Noise Inversion for better upscaling.


=> Quickstart Tutorial: Tutorial for multidiffusion upscaler for automatic1111, thanks to @PotatoBananaApple 🎉

🆕 Combine with ControlNet v1.1 Tile Model

High quality large images with tidy details.

  • Our Tiled Noise Inversion feature can cooperate with ControlNet v1.1 tile model (CN Tile, for short) to produce amazingly clear results with proper details. Example
    • CN Tile with large denoising strengths (i.e. >= 0.4) tends to produce overly sufficient details, making the image look dirty or messy.
    • MultiDiffusion Noise Inversion tends to produce tidy but overly retouched images without enough details.
  • Combine the two, you get amazingly good results:
    • Clear lines, edges, and colors
    • Proper and reasonable details, no weird or dirty pieces.
  • Recommended settings:
    • Denoising Strength >= 0.75
    • Method = Mixture of Diffusers, Overlap = 8
    • Noise Inversion Steps >= 30
    • Renoise strength = 0
    • CN Tile preprocessor = tile_resample, downsampling rate = 2
  • If your result is blurry:
    • Try higher Noise Inversion Steps.
    • Try lower Denoising Strength.
    • Try another checkpoint.
  • Compare with pure CN Tile.
  • Note that high denoising strengths will change the image color. This is a known issue of CN Tile that cannot be fixed by us.

Tiled Noise Inversion

safe Img2Img without painting structure change

  • Ultra high-consistency image upscale, up to 8k resolution in 12G memory.
  • Especially good when you don't want to wildly change your character's face.
  • 4x upscaling demo, denoising strength=0.4: comparison 1, comparison 2
  • Compare to Ultimate SD Upscale, the algorithm is much more faithful to the original image and produces significantly fewer artifacts. See the Comparison with Ultimate SD Upcaler (at its optimal denoising strength=0.3) comparison 1, comparison 2

⚠ Instead of generating an 8k image at once, you should first try the default parameters with a small image and a small upscale factor (i.e., 1.5) to see if it works. ⚠ Generally, the denoising strength needs to be <= 0.6. It is not very sensitive to CFG values, so you can try it free.

🔥 Tiled VAE

Dramatically save your VRAM usage on VAE encoding / decoding

  • It saves your VRAM at nearly no cost.
  • You may not need --lowvram or --medvram anymore.
  • Take highres.fix as an example, if you can only do 1.5x upscale previously, you may do 2.0x upscale with it now.
    • Normally you can use default settings without changing them.
    • But if you see CUDA out of memory error, just lower the two tile sizes.

Regional Prompt Control

Draw large images by fusing multiple regions together.

⚠ we recommend you use custom regions to fill the whole canvas.

Example 1: draw multiple characters at a high resolution

  • Params:

    • Ckpt: Anything V4.5, 1920 * 1280 (no highres), method=Mixture of Diffusers
    • Main prompt = masterpiece, best quality, highres, extremely clear 8k wallpaper, white room, sunlight
    • Negative prompt = ng_deepnegative_v1_75t EasyNegative
    • The tile size parameters become useless; just ignore them.
  • Regions:

    • Region 1: Prompt = sofa, Type = Background
    • Region 2: Prompt = 1girl, gray skirt, (white sweater), (slim) waist, medium breast, long hair, black hair, looking at viewer, sitting on sofa, Type = Foreground, Feather = 0.2
    • Region 3: Prompt = 1girl, red silky dress, (black hair), (slim) waist, large breast, short hair, laughing, looking at viewer, sitting on sofa, Type = Foreground, Feather = 0.2
  • Region Layout: MultiCharacterRegions

  • Result (2 out of 4) MultiCharacter MultiCharacter

Example 2: draw a full-body character

ℹ Usually, it is difficult to draw a full-body character at a high resolution (e.g., it may concatenate two bodies). ℹ By putting your character in your background, it becomes much easier.

  • Params:

    • Ckpt: Anything V4.5, width = 1280, height = 1600 (no highres), method=MultiDiffusion
    • Main prompt: masterpiece, best quality, highres, extremely clear 8k wallpaper, beach, sea, forest
    • Neg prompt: ng_deepnegative_v1_75t EasyNegative
  • Regions:

    • Region 1 Prompt = 1girl, black bikini, (white hair), (slim) waist, giant breast, long hair, Type = Foreground, Feather: 0.2
    • Region 2 Prompt = (empty), Type: Background
  • Region Layout FullBodyRegions

  • Result: 32s, 4729 MB on NVIDIA V100. I was lucky to get this at once without cherry-picks. FullBody

  • Also works well for 2.5D characters. For example, the 1024*1620 image generation

  • Great thanks to all settings from @辰熙. Click here for more of her artworks:

  • Cherry-picked from 20 generations. FullBody2

Img2img upscale

Leverage Tiled Diffusion to upscale & redraw large images

Example: 1024 * 800 -> 4096 * 3200 image, with default params

  • Params:

    • denoise=0.4, steps=20, Sampler=Euler a, Upscaler=RealESRGAN++, Negative Prompts=EasyNegative,
    • Ckpt: Gf-style2 (4GB version), CFG Scale = 14, Clip Skip = 2
    • method = MultiDiffusion, tile batch size = 8, tile size height = 96, tile size width = 96, overlap = 32
    • Prompt = masterpiece, best quality, highres, extremely detailed 8k wallpaper, very clear, Neg prompt = EasyNegative.
  • Before upscaling lowres

  • After 4x upscale, No cherry-picking. 1min12s on NVIDIA Tesla V100. (If 2x, it completes in 10s) highres

Ultra-Large image generation

ℹ Please use simple positive prompts at the top of the page, as they will be applied to each tile. ℹ If you want to add objects to a specific position, use regional prompt control and enable draw full canvas background

Example 1: masterpiece, best quality, highres, city skyline, night.


Example 2: cooperate with ControlNet to convert ancient wide paintings

  • 22020 x 1080 ultra-wide image conversion

Example 3: 2560 * 1280 large image drawing

  • ControlNet (canny edge)

Your Name yourname


⚪ Method 1: Official Market

  • Open Automatic1111 WebUI -> Click Tab "Extensions" -> Click Tab "Available" -> Find "[TiledDiffusion with Tiled VAE]" -> Click "Install"

⚪ Method 2: URL Install



Tiled VAE


  • The script will recommend settings for you when first use.
  • So normally, you don't need to change the default params.
  • You only need to change params in the following cases
    1. When you see CUDA out of memory error before generation, or after generation, please low down the tile size.
    2. If you use too small a tile size and the picture becomes gray and unclear, please enable Encoder Color Fix.

Tiled Diffusion



  • From the illustration, you can see how is an image split into tiles.
    • In each step, each tile in the latent space will be sent to Stable Diffusion UNet.
    • The tiles are split and fused over and over again until all steps are completed.
  • What is a good tile size?
    • A larger tile size will increase the speed because it produces fewer tiles.
    • However, the optimal size depends on your checkpoint. The basic SD1.4 is only good at drawing 512 * 512 images (SD2.1 will be 768 * 768). And most checkpoints cannot generate good pictures larger than 1280 * 1280. So in latent space let's divide this by 8, and you will get 64 - 160.
    • Hence, you should pick a value between 64 - 160.
    • Personally, I recommend 96 or 128 for fast speed.
  • What is a good overlap?
    • The overlap reduces seams in fusion. Obviously, a larger overlap means fewer seams, but will significantly reduce the speed as it brings much more tiles to redraw.
    • Compared to MultiDiffusion, Mixture of Diffusers requires less overlap because it uses Gaussian smoothing (and therefore can be faster).
    • Personally, I recommend 32 or 48 for MultiDiffusion, 16 or 32 for Mixture of Diffusers
  • Upscaler will appear in i2i. You can select one to upscale your image in advance.

Region Prompt Control

ℹ Normally, all tiles share the same main prompt. So you can't draw meaningful objects with the main prompt, it will draw your object everywhere and ruin your image. ℹ To handle this, we provide the powerful region prompt control tool.


  1. First, enable the region prompt control.
    • NOTE: When you enable the control, the default tiling behavior will be disabled.
    • If your custom regions can't fill the whole canvas, it will produce brown color (MultiDiffusion) or noises (Mixture of Diffusers) in those uncovered areas.
    • We recommend you use your own regions to fill the canvas, as it can be much faster when generation.
    • If you are lazy to draw, you can also enable the Draw full canvas background. However, this will be much slower when generation.
  2. Upload an image or click the button to create an empty image as a reference.
  3. Click the enable in Region 1, you will see a red rectangle appears in the image.
    • Click and drag the region with your mouse to move and resize them.
  4. Select region type. If you want to draw objects, select Foreground. Otherwise select Background.
    • Feather will appear if you select foreground.
    • The larger value will give you more smooth edges.
  5. Type in your prompt and negative prompt for the region.
    • Note: your prompt will be appended to the prompt at the top of the page.
    • You can leverage this to save your words, i.e., write common things like "masterpiece, best quality, highres..." and use embedding like EasyNegative at the top of the page.
    • You can also use Textual Inversion and LoRA in the prompt

Special tips for Upscaling

  • Recommend Parameters for Efficient Upscaling.
    • Sampler = Euler a, steps = 20, denoise = 0.35, method = Mixture of Diffusers, Latent tile height & width = 128, overlap = 16, tile batch size = 8 (reduce tile batch size if see CUDA out of memory).
  • We are compatible with masked inpainting
    • If you want to keep some parts, or the Tiled Diffusion gives you weird results, just mask these areas.
  • The checkpoint is crucial.
    • MultiDiffusion works very similar to highres.fix, so it highly relies on your checkpoint.
    • A checkpoint that is good at drawing details can add amazing details to your image.
    • A full checkpoint instead of a pruned one can yield much finer results.
  • Don't include any concrete objects in your main prompts, otherwise, the results get ruined.
    • Just use something like "highres, masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed 8k wallpaper, extremely clear".
    • And use regional prompt control for concrete objects if you like.
  • You don't need too large tile size, large overlap and many denoising steps, or it can be very slow.
  • CFG scale can significantly affect the details.
    • A large CFG scale (e.g., 14) gives you much more details.
  • You can control how much you want to change the original image with denoising strength from 0.1 - 0.6.
  • If your results are still not as satisfying as mine, see our discussions here.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Thanks for reading!


Tiled Diffusion and VAE optimize, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0







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