restful api for 3 years of weather data of cincinnati, ohio, US
All Dates -
See about Particular date -
Insert info. about date -,34,12
Delete info. about date -
Information about images.
historicalone - Return the whole database. all the dates and their respective temparatures.
historicaltwo - Return the maximium and minimum temparature of a specific date.
date not found - Return 404 error when the date searched is not present in the database
deletedvalue - Deletes the entire information about a particular date
putValue - Inserts maximum and minimum temperatures of a particular date into the database
insertedvalue - after a value is inserted, the information about the values can be found out searching by date.
Tools needed:
Flask, python, sqlite, flask-restful, curl
Steps to do:
- save the file and run it in your local host ( or public IP.
- Port is 5000
- End points:
a. /historical/ - all dates and their information.
b. /historical/date - GET method will return information about that particular date.
c. /historical/date - Delete method will delete the information about that particular date.
d. /historical/date,tmax,tmin - Inserts information about a new date into database.