BLOCK-OS is a teaching-based open-source operating system with 32-bit system architecture. It is a simple and small os built-in C and assembly language that teaches one how to implement basic concepts of operating systems from scratch providing one with experience of in-depth understanding of concepts of operating systems.
- Set up BIOS and our kernel at initial level.
- Boot Sector and Boot Loader for booting process.
- Implementation of GDT(Global descriptor table).
- Switch to 32-bit protected mode from 16-bit mode.
- Added support for C.
- Implemented a Graphic Driver that displays graphics on screen.
- Added functions like : COLORA (for changing screen monitor color) , VITBHOPAL(to display messages on the screen) etc.
- Implemented ISR (Interrupt Descriptor Table).
- Set up a Keyboard driver using ISR and PIC.
- Hard disk writing and reading function using ATA.
- Set up audio support using the PLAY() command.
- Global constructor.
- Programmable Interval Timer.
Main: ASM Assembly Language , C.
To deploy this project install following tools: Tools needed to be installed:
NASM, SASM: The Netwide Assembler (NASM) is an assembler and disassembler for the Intel x86 architecture.
QEMU: A generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer to run our BLOCK-OS.
Hex Editor: VS Code:
- After installing all the tools follow these steps:
Clone the BLOCK-OS repository into your system
Create a folder named : "bin"
Go to compile.bat file and run.
In case it shows error: Inside bin folder create two files: "bootsect.bin" and "kernel.bin"
Again after doing this, run compile.bat
The BLOCK-OS will start running on QEMU emulator. Now you can test various functions implemented given below.
- CLS: clear screen
- COLORA: set monitor color turquoise
- COLORB: set monitor color purple
- COLORC: set monitor color green
- COLORD: set monitor color light green
- VID: Shows video (scrooling video screen)
- HI: Prints message on screen: "HELLO, GLAD YOU SELECTED BLOCK OS"
- PUT: Write array of "J" in memory
- GET: Read array of "J" from memory
- VITBHOPAL: Prints message on screen: "A place to learn, a chance to grow"
- PLAY: Plays audio
- SLEEP: Timer of 5 seconds