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OpenCollective PR Notices #28

OpenCollective PR Notices

OpenCollective PR Notices #28

name: OpenCollective PR Notices
description: "earliest date to consider- YYYY-MM-DD, example '2023-06-01'"
required: true
type: string
description: "oldest date to consider. YYYY-MM-DD, example '2023-06-30'"
required: true
type: string
# and in the future schedule...
contents: read
pull-requests: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
// First get the month we are working on and prepare our PR query range
// Format for the dates is "YYYY-MM-DD", and an example is "2022-05-01" and "2022-05-31"
// Getting inputs in github-script requires some fancy mode-switching to "github templating" syntax
var inputs = ${{ toJSON(inputs) }}
let startDate = inputs['startDate'];
let endDate = inputs['endDate'];
const getPRPage = async (startDate, endDate, page) => {
return await{
q: `repo:${context.repo.owner}/${context.repo.repo}+is:pr+is:merged+merged:${startDate}..${endDate}`,
per_page: 100,
const addComment = async (prNumber, prUser) => {
console.log(`creating comment ${context.repo.owner} / ${context.repo.repo} / ${prNumber} / ${prUser}`);
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
issue_number: prNumber,
body: `Hi there @${prUser}! This is the OpenCollective Notice for PRs merged from [${startDate} through ${endDate}](${context.repo.owner}/${context.repo.repo}/pulls?q=is%3Apr+merged%3A${startDate}..${endDate}+author%3A${prUser})
If you are interested in compensation for this work, the process with details is here:
> PLEASE NOTE: The process was updated in August 2024. Re-read the Payment Process page if you have not already.
We only post one comment per person per month to avoid spamming you, regardless of the number of PRs merged, but this note applies to all PRs merged for this month
Please understand that our monthly budget is never guaranteed to cover all claims - the cap on payments-per-person may be lower, but we try to make our process as fair and transparent as possible, we just need your understanding.
// Now get the PRs for the month, iterating over pages if needed (100 per page limit, pages are 1-based / start on 1)
let result = await getPRPage(startDate, endDate, 1)
// How many pages? iterate until fetched page Math.ceil(total/per-page)
console.log(`First page fetched. Total count is: ${}`);
const pageCount = Math.ceil( / 100);
console.log(`Should get a total of ${pageCount} pages`);
for (let i = 2; i <= pageCount; i++) {
console.log(`fetching page ${i}`);
const pageResult = await getPRPage(startDate, endDate, i);
console.log(`Got another page with ${} items`); =;
// Process the results by putting the author in a map with a PR number associated
const uniqueContributorsWithPR = {}, index) => {
console.log(`pr at index ${index} is ${pr.number} by ${pr.user.login} (title ${pr.title})`);
// This will overwrite the contributor again and again, on purpose.
// We only want to leave one comment, so simply remembering the last PR we saw for a contributor is sufficient.
uniqueContributorsWithPR[pr.user.login] = pr.number;
// For each author in the map, post a comment on the associated PR
// Incidentally you cannot use arry.forEach() with async functions; it does not await. for or is required.
for (const key of Object.keys(uniqueContributorsWithPR)) {
// skip some users, we don't allow bots to claim for their work, yet?
if (key === 'github-actions' || key.includes('dependabot') || key.includes('[bot]')) {
console.log(`ignoring pr with bot user ${key}`);
console.log(`Going to notify ${key} on PR ${uniqueContributorsWithPR[key]}`);
try {
await addComment(uniqueContributorsWithPR[key], key);
} catch (e) {
// This implies, since there is no state with regard to comments already added or not,
// that you will need to figure out the root cause and re-run the workflow, which will re-add comments
// on any issues that processed successfully prior to the error.
// This is not ideal. However it should be rare, and adding state management (e.g, via labels) to a script
// that is working, and is not expected to fail frequently on this step, just to avoid
// duplicate comments (which themselves are not that tramuatic) is in my opinion not worth it.
// But it is worth noting that the problem had been considered.
console.log('failed to add comment to issue? ' + e);
throw e;