Reddit bot that parses rising posts with parent comments as youtube url & child replies as timestamps to create grand child comments of timestamped youtube url link.
Ran as a cron job every 1 hour.
cp sample-config.ini config.ini
& configure your bot.which python
& replace shebang line#1 of with the python path. [Python3 recommended]pip install -r requirements.txt
to install python dependencies.crontab -e
as cronjob at the end of file with following format:
0 * * * * cd <absolute-path-to-repo>;<> >> <aboluste-path-to-cron.log> 2>&1
0 * * * * cd /var/www/timestamp_bot;/var/www/timestamp_bot/ >> /var/www/timestamp_bot/cron.log 2>&1
cat /var/log/syslog | grep cron
to check if cron job is running cron.log
to check for errors from bot/reddit timestamp_bot_log.log
to check bot process/logs.
Report all issues/suggestions at issue page.