Welcome to the Quizlet Game Application! This is a desktop application built using Python and PyQt5 that quizzes users on a variety of topics. The questions are fetched dynamically from an online trivia API, and the game supports both true/false and multiple-choice questions.
Dynamic Question Loading: Fetches questions from the Open Trivia Database (OpenTDB).
Multiple Question Types: Supports both true/false and multiple-choice questions.
User Feedback: Provides immediate feedback on whether the answer is correct or wrong.
Score Tracking: Keeps track of the user's score throughout the quiz.
Responsive Design: Adjusts font sizes to ensure readability across different screen sizes.
Once the application is running, you will be presented with a series of trivia questions. Depending on the type of question, you can either:
- Click the True/False buttons for true/false questions.
- Click one of the option buttons for multiple-choice questions.
Your score will be updated based on your answers, and feedback will be provided immediately after each question. The game continues until there are no more questions left.
The application's UI is built using PyQt5, providing a responsive and visually appealing design. Key components include:
- Question Label: Displays the current question.
- Option Buttons: For multiple-choice questions, four buttons are displayed for each possible answer.
- True/False Buttons: For true/false questions.
- Score Label: Displays the user's current score.
- Fetch Questions: Questions are fetched from the OpenTDB API when the game starts.
- Display Question: The current question is displayed along with the corresponding answer options.
- User Input: The user selects an answer.
- Provide Feedback: Immediate feedback is given, indicating if the answer was correct or wrong.
- Update Score: The user's score is updated based on their answer.
- Next Question: The next question is loaded, and the process repeats until all questions are answered.
This class initializes the main window and manages the overall game logic. Key methods include:
: Sets up the UI and initializes the question bank and quiz logic.load_question
: Loads and displays the next question, adjusting the UI based on the question type.give_feedback
: Provides feedback based on the user's answer and updates the score.adjust_label_font_size
: Dynamically adjusts the font size of the question label to ensure it fits the available space.
Questions are fetched from the OpenTDB API and formatted appropriately for display. The format_question_text
method handles the unescaping of HTML entities and formats the options for multiple-choice questions.
Manages the state of the quiz, including the current question and the user's score. Key methods include:
: Retrieves the next question in the sequence.check_answer
: Validates the user's answer against the correct answer for the current question.
The application fetches questions from the Open Trivia Database (OpenTDB), an open-source API that provides trivia questions across various categories. The API request is made in the following way:
url_base = "https://opentdb.com/api.php?"
amount = "10"
response = requests.get(f"{url_base}amount={amount}")
data = response.json()
question_data = data["results"]
The questions are then processed and used throughout the game.