New features or enhancements
Identifies issues opened by other standards organizations, as per WHATWG's anchor permanence policy
Standard could be clearer
Standard is not web compatible
Pull request must not be merged per rationale in comment
Ideal for someone new to a WHATWG standard or software project
Used by the internationalization community to notify Arabic script experts of relevant issues
Used by the internationalization community to notify Chinese script experts of relevant issues
Used by the internationalization community to track issues they have raised
Used by the internationalization community to notify Hebrew script experts of relevant issues
Used by the internationalization community to notify Indic script experts of relevant issues
Used by the internationalization community to notify Japanese script experts of relevant issues
Used by the internationalization community to notify Korean script experts of relevant issues
Used by the internationalization community to track issues they are interested in
Used by documentation communities, such as MDN, to track changes that impact documentation
Implementations are not compatible
Moving the issue forward requires someone to figure out a detailed plan
Moving the issue forward requires implementers to express interest
Moving the issue forward requires someone to write tests
Removing or deprecating a feature
There are security or privacy implications
Relates to custom elements (as defined in DOM and HTML)
Relates to shadow trees (as defined in DOM)