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JuvixTree REPL (#2608)
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* JuvixTree REPL
* Depends on #2601
  • Loading branch information
lukaszcz authored Feb 1, 2024
1 parent 7b0a11d commit 9322e5d
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 8 changed files with 199 additions and 19 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions app/Commands/Dev/Tree.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ import Commands.Dev.Tree.Eval as Eval
import Commands.Dev.Tree.FromAsm as FromAsm
import Commands.Dev.Tree.Options
import Commands.Dev.Tree.Read as Read
import Commands.Dev.Tree.Repl as Repl

runCommand :: forall r. (Members '[Embed IO, App, TaggedLock] r) => TreeCommand -> Sem r ()
runCommand = \case
Eval opts -> Eval.runCommand opts
Compile opts -> Compile.runCommand opts
Read opts -> Read.runCommand opts
FromAsm opts -> FromAsm.runCommand opts
Repl opts -> Repl.runCommand opts
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion app/Commands/Dev/Tree/Options.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,25 +4,31 @@ import Commands.Dev.Tree.Compile.Options
import Commands.Dev.Tree.Eval.Options
import Commands.Dev.Tree.FromAsm.Options
import Commands.Dev.Tree.Read.Options
import Commands.Dev.Tree.Repl.Options
import CommonOptions

data TreeCommand
= Eval TreeEvalOptions
| Compile CompileOptions
| Read TreeReadOptions
| FromAsm TreeFromAsmOptions
| Repl TreeReplOptions
deriving stock (Data)

parseTreeCommand :: Parser TreeCommand
parseTreeCommand =
hsubparser $
[ commandEval,
[ commandRepl,
commandRepl :: Mod CommandFields TreeCommand
commandRepl = command "repl" replInfo

commandEval :: Mod CommandFields TreeCommand
commandEval = command "eval" evalInfo

Expand All @@ -35,6 +41,12 @@ parseTreeCommand =
commandFromAsm :: Mod CommandFields TreeCommand
commandFromAsm = command "from-asm" fromAsmInfo

replInfo :: ParserInfo TreeCommand
replInfo =
(Repl <$> parseTreeReplOptions)
(progDesc "Launch the JuvixTree REPL")

evalInfo :: ParserInfo TreeCommand
evalInfo =
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138 changes: 138 additions & 0 deletions app/Commands/Dev/Tree/Repl.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
module Commands.Dev.Tree.Repl where

import Commands.Base hiding (Atom)
import Commands.Dev.Tree.Repl.Options
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict qualified as State
import Data.String.Interpolate (__i)
import Juvix.Compiler.Tree.Data.InfoTable
import Juvix.Compiler.Tree.Data.InfoTableBuilder qualified as Tree
import Juvix.Compiler.Tree.Language
import Juvix.Compiler.Tree.Pretty (ppPrint)
import Juvix.Compiler.Tree.Translation.FromSource (parseNodeText', parseText')
import System.Console.Haskeline
import System.Console.Repline qualified as Repline
import TreeEvaluator qualified as Eval

type ReplS = State.StateT ReplState IO

data ReplState = ReplState
{ _replStateBuilderState :: Tree.BuilderState,
_replStateLoadedFile :: Maybe FilePath

type Repl a = Repline.HaskelineT ReplS a

makeLenses ''ReplState

printHelpTxt :: Repl ()
printHelpTxt = liftIO $ putStrLn helpTxt
helpTxt :: Text =
EXPRESSION Evaluate a JuvixTree expression
:load FILE Load a file containing JuvixTree function and type definitions
:reload Reload the current file
:help Print help text and describe options
:quit Exit the REPL

quit :: String -> Repl ()
quit _ = liftIO (throwIO Interrupt)

loadFile :: String -> Repl ()
loadFile s = Repline.dontCrash $ do
State.modify (set replStateLoadedFile (Just s))
readProgram s

reloadFile :: Repl ()
reloadFile = Repline.dontCrash $ do
fp <- State.gets (^. replStateLoadedFile)
case fp of
Nothing -> error "no file loaded"
Just f -> readProgram f

readProgram :: FilePath -> Repl ()
readProgram f = do
bs <- State.gets (^. replStateBuilderState)
txt <- readFile f
case parseText' bs txt of
Left e -> error (show e)
Right bs' ->
State.modify (set replStateBuilderState bs')

options :: [(String, String -> Repl ())]
options =
[ ("help", Repline.dontCrash . const printHelpTxt),
("quit", quit),
("load", loadFile),
("reload", const reloadFile)

banner :: Repline.MultiLine -> Repl String
banner = \case
Repline.MultiLine -> return "... "
Repline.SingleLine -> return "tree> "

readNode :: String -> Repl Node
readNode s = do
bs <- State.gets (^. replStateBuilderState)
case parseNodeText' bs replFile (strip (pack s)) of
Left e -> error (show e)
Right (bs', n) -> do
State.modify (set replStateBuilderState bs')
return n
replFile :: FilePath
replFile = "<file>"

evalNode :: Node -> Repl ()
evalNode node = do
sym <- State.gets (^. replStateBuilderState . Tree.stateNextSymbolId)
State.modify' (over (replStateBuilderState . Tree.stateNextSymbolId) (+ 1))
tab <- State.gets (^. replStateBuilderState . Tree.stateInfoTable)
let fi =
{ _functionName = "repl:main",
_functionLocation = Nothing,
_functionSymbol = Symbol defaultModuleId sym,
_functionArgsNum = 0,
_functionCode = node,
_functionExtra = (),
_functionArgNames = [],
_functionType = TyDynamic
et <- Eval.doEval tab fi
case et of
Left e -> error (show e)
Right v ->
liftIO $
putStrLn (ppPrint tab v)

replCommand :: String -> Repl ()
replCommand input_ = Repline.dontCrash $ do
readNode input_ >>= evalNode

replAction :: ReplS ()
replAction =
{ prefix = Just ':',
command = replCommand,
initialiser = return (),
finaliser = return Repline.Exit,
multilineCommand = Just "multiline",
tabComplete = Repline.Word (\_ -> return []),

runCommand :: forall r. (Members '[Embed IO, App] r) => TreeReplOptions -> Sem r ()
runCommand _ = embed . (`State.evalStateT` iniState) $ replAction
iniState :: ReplState
iniState =
{ _replStateBuilderState = Tree.emptyBuilderState,
_replStateLoadedFile = Nothing
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions app/Commands/Dev/Tree/Repl/Options.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module Commands.Dev.Tree.Repl.Options where

import CommonOptions

data TreeReplOptions = TreeReplOptions
deriving stock (Data)

makeLenses ''TreeReplOptions

parseTreeReplOptions :: Parser TreeReplOptions
parseTreeReplOptions = do
pure TreeReplOptions
17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions app/TreeEvaluator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ evalTree :: forall r. (Members '[Embed IO, App] r) => Tree.InfoTable -> Sem r ()
evalTree tab =
case tab ^. Tree.infoMainFunction of
Just sym -> do
r <- doEval tab (Tree.lookupFunInfo tab sym)
r <- liftIO $ doEval tab (Tree.lookupFunInfo tab sym)
case r of
Left err ->
exitJuvixError (JuvixError err)
Expand All @@ -23,10 +23,11 @@ evalTree tab =
putStrLn ""
Nothing ->
exitMsg (ExitFailure 1) "no 'main' function"
doEval ::
Tree.InfoTable ->
Tree.FunctionInfo ->
Sem r (Either Tree.TreeError Tree.Value)
doEval tab' funInfo =
embed $ Tree.catchEvalErrorIO (Tree.hEvalIO stdin stdout tab' funInfo)

doEval ::
(MonadIO m) =>
Tree.InfoTable ->
Tree.FunctionInfo ->
m (Either Tree.TreeError Tree.Value)
doEval tab' funInfo =
liftIO $ Tree.catchEvalErrorIO (liftIO $ Tree.hEvalIO stdin stdout tab' funInfo)
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Tree/Evaluator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -292,13 +292,13 @@ valueToNode = \case
_nodeAllocClosureArgs = map valueToNode _closureArgs

hEvalIO :: Handle -> Handle -> InfoTable -> FunctionInfo -> IO Value
hEvalIO :: (MonadIO m) => Handle -> Handle -> InfoTable -> FunctionInfo -> m Value
hEvalIO hin hout infoTable funInfo = do
let !v = hEval hout infoTable (funInfo ^. functionCode)
hRunIO hin hout infoTable v

-- | Interpret IO actions.
hRunIO :: Handle -> Handle -> InfoTable -> Value -> IO Value
hRunIO :: (MonadIO m) => Handle -> Handle -> InfoTable -> Value -> m Value
hRunIO hin hout infoTable = \case
ValConstr (Constr (BuiltinTag TagReturn) [x]) -> return x
ValConstr (Constr (BuiltinTag TagBind) [x, f]) -> do
Expand All @@ -313,14 +313,14 @@ hRunIO hin hout infoTable = \case
!x'' = hEval hout infoTable code
hRunIO hin hout infoTable x''
ValConstr (Constr (BuiltinTag TagWrite) [ValString s]) -> do
hPutStr hout s
liftIO $ hPutStr hout s
return ValVoid
ValConstr (Constr (BuiltinTag TagWrite) [arg]) -> do
hPutStr hout (ppPrint infoTable arg)
liftIO $ hPutStr hout (ppPrint infoTable arg)
return ValVoid
ValConstr (Constr (BuiltinTag TagReadLn) []) -> do
hFlush hout
s <- hGetLine hin
liftIO $ hFlush hout
s <- liftIO $ hGetLine hin
return (ValString s)
val ->
return val
Expand All @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ hRunIO hin hout infoTable = \case
catchEvalErrorIO :: IO a -> IO (Either TreeError a)
catchEvalErrorIO ma =
(Exception.evaluate ma >>= \ma' -> ma' <&> Right)
(Exception.evaluate ma >>= \ma' -> Right <$> ma')
(\(ex :: EvalError) -> return (Left (toTreeError ex)))

toTreeError :: EvalError -> TreeError
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Tree/Translation/FromSource.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ runParser = runParserS parseTreeSig
runParser' :: BuilderState -> FilePath -> Text -> Either MegaparsecError BuilderState
runParser' = runParserS' parseTreeSig

parseNodeText' :: BuilderState -> FilePath -> Text -> Either MegaparsecError (BuilderState, Node)
parseNodeText' bs file txt = runParserS'' parseNode parseTreeSig bs file txt

parseNode ::
(Members '[Reader ParserSig, InfoTableBuilder, State LocalParams] r) =>
ParsecS r Node
Expand Down
18 changes: 15 additions & 3 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Tree/Translation/FromSource/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,15 +41,27 @@ runParserS :: ParserSig t e -> FilePath -> Text -> Either MegaparsecError (InfoT
runParserS sig fileName input_ = (^. stateInfoTable) <$> runParserS' sig emptyBuilderState fileName input_

runParserS' :: forall t e. ParserSig t e -> BuilderState' t e -> FilePath -> Text -> Either MegaparsecError (BuilderState' t e)
runParserS' sig bs fileName input_ =
runParserS' sig bs fileName input_ = case runParserS'' (parseToplevel @t @e) sig bs fileName input_ of
Left e -> Left e
Right (bs', ()) -> Right bs'

runParserS'' ::
forall t e a.
ParsecS '[NameIdGen, InfoTableBuilder' t e, Reader (ParserSig t e), State LocalParams] a ->
ParserSig t e ->
BuilderState' t e ->
FilePath ->
Text ->
Either MegaparsecError (BuilderState' t e, a)
runParserS'' parser sig bs fileName input_ =
case run $
evalState params $
runReader sig $
runInfoTableBuilder' bs $
evalTopNameIdGen defaultModuleId $
P.runParserT (parseToplevel @t @e) fileName input_ of
P.runParserT parser fileName input_ of
(_, Left err) -> Left (MegaparsecError err)
(bs', Right ()) -> Right bs'
(bs', Right x) -> Right (bs', x)
params =
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