The project repository contains the source files used in building a multi-node wireless sensor network built using the ESP32 devkits.
The sensor nodes A and B acquire the environmental sensor readings and transmit the same to a cluster head node. The cluster head node is connected over a wired network with the base station and publishes all the acquired data over serial COM port.
The sensor node A comprises an ESP32, a BMP280 and DHT11 sensors:
The sensor node B comprises an ESP32, an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, a MH-series light sensor and a KY-038 sound sensor:
The cluster head node comprises an ESP32, a passive infrared sensor (PIR) and a OLED display:
The cluster head node communicates with the base station over a wired network (serial COM port) and the base station further transmits the data to a ThingSpeak server (data logging) and a flask web application: