stow .
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)" export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:=${HOME}/.config} export ZDOTDIR=${ZDOTDIR:=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/zshrc} source $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc
Run brew search '/font-.*-nerd-font/' | awk '{ print $1 }'│ │ | xargs -I{} brew install --cask {} || true
- Open Terminal settings and reference
Firacode Nerd Font Regular 13
- Brewfile is present in this directory
- brew bundler install pointing to this file should work
- brew bundler dump should create the file (--force)
- brew bundler cleanup should update the file (--force)
- git clone ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm
- prefix capital I or prefix capital U then kill-server to install
- brew install carapace
- curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh
- brew install nushell
- run this in nushell:
atuin init nu | save ~/.local/share/atuin/
- install aerpospace
- brew tap FelixKratz/formulae THEN brew install borders (JankyBorders)