The user flow and code logic is outlined in these following steps:
- User presses the "Save" button in the UI.
- A dialog box pops up asking the user to enter a name for the scene.
- The user enters the name in the dialog box and clicks "OK".
- The current lighting level values are saved as a new key-value pair and are added to a dictionary of dictionaries called "scenes", where the key is the name of the scene entered by the user, and the value is the "scenes" dictionary.
- The "scenes" dictionary is stored in a TDU dependency object called "project_data".
- The UI updates to display the new scene in a list of available scenes.
- The user can select a previously saved scene from the list and click a button to recall the lighting values for that scene.
- The recalled lighting values are applied to the lighting fixtures.
- If the user wants to add more scenes, they can repeat the process from step 1.
lightingScene = op("active_scene")
numDimmers = lightingScene.numChans
def onOffToOn(panelValue):
def whileOn(panelValue):
def onOnToOff(panelValue):
scenes = {}
# when the ok button is selected, the current name
# of the scene is added to the scene table
for d in range(numDimmers):
# getting channel names from Constant CHOP and setting to key
key = getattr(lightingScene.chan(d), 'name')
value = lightingScene[d].eval()
scenes[key] = value
#setting the name entered in the button to the key value of the dictionary
op("project_data").ShowScenes.val.update({str(op('popDialog/entry/inputText').par.text): scenes})
#this .modified() function is called to notify the dependent operators
The project user interface (UI) includes 12 sliders, which allow the user to adjust the lighting levels of different dimmer channels. The UI also includes a radio toggle group with two buttons, which enable the user to switch between fader control and cue list control. When the user wants to save a particular lighting scene, they can click on the "save" button, which opens a pop-up window asking them to name the scene. This feature allows the user to take a snapshot of the current lighting levels and settings and store it for future use. The saved scenes can be accessed by clicking on their names in the cue list, which provides an easy way to recall different lighting looks.
Scene Naming | Fader Control/Cuelist Control |
I would like to add a "Cue Button" that would grab the current value of the scene in the "cue list" and then increment to the next scene in the list. Once the value of increment exceeds the length of the dictionary value, then the cue button can no longer increment in value. I would also like to create a "delete button" which accesses the dictionary and deletes that from storage while also updating the cue list scenes.