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Use GNU parallel to run consequences processing in parallel
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Taking advantage of multiple CPU cores, multiple python3 instances are
dispatched simultaneously using "GNU parallel" in
for consequences calculations.

Using "bash scripts/ SCM5p8_Montreal_conv -h -r -d -o"
as example, with each realization taking 82 minutes, doing 16 realizations
in parallel instead of in series would save 20.5 hours.  As consequences
calculations are done twice, the total run time is reduced by 41 hours,
from 56 hours down to 15 hours on a c5a.24xlarge EC2 instance.

Unlike Python’s own multiprocessing module, GNU parallel’s invocation of
multiple invocations of Python does not involve any memory sharing at all,
which avoids any potential mysterious calculation discrepancy with
Numpy’s OpenBLAS dot multiplications seen in superseded Pull Request OpenDRR#58.

Fixes OpenDRR#57
  • Loading branch information
anthonyfok committed Nov 2, 2023
1 parent c0df7db commit c4e1600
Showing 2 changed files with 328 additions and 3 deletions.
317 changes: 317 additions & 0 deletions scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Anirudh Rao, GEM Foundation
# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with OpenQuake. If not, see <>.

import csv
import sys

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from openquake.baselib import datastore
from tqdm import tqdm

params_file = "scripts/Hazus_Consequence_Parameters.xlsx" # /mnt/storage/earthquake-scenarios/scripts/Hazus_Consequence_Parameters.xlsx"

def read_square_footage(xlsx):
square_footage_df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, sheet_name="Square Footage", skiprows=1, index_col=0)
return square_footage_df

def read_repair_ratio_str(xlsx):
repair_ratio_str_df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, sheet_name="Structural Repair Ratios", skiprows=2, index_col=0) = "Occupancy"
repair_ratio_str_df.rename_axis("Structural Damage State", axis="columns", inplace=True)
return repair_ratio_str_df/100

def read_repair_ratio_nsa(xlsx):
repair_ratio_nsa_df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, sheet_name="NonstrAccel Repair Ratios", skiprows=2, index_col=0) = "Occupancy"
repair_ratio_nsa_df.rename_axis("Acceleration Sensitive Non-structural Damage State", axis="columns", inplace=True)
return repair_ratio_nsa_df/100

def read_repair_ratio_nsd(xlsx):
repair_ratio_nsd_df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, sheet_name="NonstrDrift Repair Ratios", skiprows=2, index_col=0) = "Occupancy"
repair_ratio_nsd_df.rename_axis("Drift Sensitive Non-structural Damage State", axis="columns", inplace=True)
return repair_ratio_nsd_df/100

def read_repair_ratio_con(xlsx):
repair_ratio_con_df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, sheet_name="Contents Damage Ratios", skiprows=2, index_col=0) = "Occupancy"
repair_ratio_con_df.rename_axis("Acceleration Sensitive Non-structural Damage State", axis="columns", inplace=True)
return repair_ratio_con_df/100

def read_collapse_rate(xlsx):
collapse_rate_df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, sheet_name="Collapse Rates", skiprows=1, index_col=0)
return collapse_rate_df/100

def read_casualty_rate_in(xlsx):
casualty_rate_in_df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, sheet_name="Indoor Casualty Rates", skiprows=1, index_col=0, header=[0, 1]) = "Building Type"
casualty_rate_in_df.columns.names = ["Damage State", "Severity Level"]
return casualty_rate_in_df/100

def read_casualty_rate_out(xlsx):
casualty_rate_out_df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, sheet_name="Outdoor Casualty Rates", skiprows=1, index_col=0, header=[0, 1]) = "Building Type"
casualty_rate_out_df.columns.names = ["Damage State", "Severity Level"]
return casualty_rate_out_df/100

def read_debris_weight(xlsx):
debris_df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, sheet_name="Debris", index_col=0, header=[0, 1, 2]) = "Building Type"
debris_df.columns.names = ["Item", "Material", "Component"]
return debris_df

def read_repair_time(xlsx):
repair_time_df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, sheet_name="Building Repair Time", skiprows=2, index_col=0) = "Occupancy"
repair_time_df.rename_axis("Structural Damage State", axis="columns", inplace=True)
return repair_time_df

def read_recovery_time(xlsx):
recovery_time_df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, sheet_name="Building Recovery Time", skiprows=2, index_col=0) = "Occupancy"
recovery_time_df.rename_axis("Structural Damage State", axis="columns", inplace=True)
return recovery_time_df

def read_interruption_time(xlsx):
interruption_time_df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, sheet_name="Interruption Time Multipliers", skiprows=2, index_col=0) = "Occupancy"
interruption_time_df.rename_axis("Structural Damage State", axis="columns", inplace=True)
return interruption_time_df

xlsx = pd.ExcelFile(params_file)
read_params = {
"Square Footage": read_square_footage,
"Structural Repair Ratios": read_repair_ratio_str,
"NonstrAccel Repair Ratios": read_repair_ratio_nsa,
"NonstrDrift Repair Ratios": read_repair_ratio_nsd,
"Contents Damage Ratios": read_repair_ratio_con,
"Collapse Rates": read_collapse_rate,
"Indoor Casualty Rates": read_casualty_rate_in,
"Outdoor Casualty Rates": read_casualty_rate_out,
"Debris": read_debris_weight,
"Building Repair Time": read_repair_time,
"Building Recovery Time": read_recovery_time,
"Interruption Time Multipliers": read_interruption_time,

def calculate_consequences(job_id='-1', rlzi=None):
calc_id = datastore.get_last_calc_id() if job_id == '-1' else int(job_id)
dstore =
lt = 0 # structural damage
stat = 0 # damage state mean values
num_rlzs = len(dstore["weights"])
assetcol = dstore['assetcol']
taxonomies = assetcol.tagcol.taxonomy

# Read the asset damage table from the calculation datastore
calculation_mode = dstore['oqparam'].calculation_mode
if calculation_mode == 'scenario_damage':
damages = dstore['damages-rlzs']
elif calculation_mode == 'classical_damage':
damages = dstore['damages-stats']
print("Consequence calculations not supported for", calculation_mode)

# Read the various consequences tables from the spreadsheet
square_footage_df = read_params["Square Footage"](xlsx)
repair_ratio_str_df = read_params["Structural Repair Ratios"](xlsx)
repair_ratio_nsa_df = read_params["NonstrAccel Repair Ratios"](xlsx)
repair_ratio_nsd_df = read_params["NonstrDrift Repair Ratios"](xlsx)
repair_ratio_con_df = read_params["Contents Damage Ratios"](xlsx)
collapse_rate_df = read_params["Collapse Rates"](xlsx)
casualty_rate_in_df = read_params["Indoor Casualty Rates"](xlsx)
casualty_rate_out_df = read_params["Outdoor Casualty Rates"](xlsx)
repair_time_df = read_params["Building Repair Time"](xlsx)
recovery_time_df = read_params["Building Recovery Time"](xlsx)
interruption_time_df = read_params["Interruption Time Multipliers"](xlsx)
debris_df = read_params["Debris"](xlsx)
unit_weight_df = debris_df["Unit Weight (tons per 1,000 sqft)"]
debris_brick_wood_pct_df = debris_df["Brick, Wood, and Other Debris Generated (in Percentage of Weight)"]
debris_concrete_steel_pct_df = debris_df["Reinforced Concrete and Wrecked Steel Generated (in Percentage of Weight)"]

# Initialize lists / dicts to store the asset level casualty estimates
severity_levels = ["Severity 1", "Severity 2", "Severity 3", "Severity 4"]
casualties_day = {"Severity 1": 0, "Severity 2": 0, "Severity 3": 0, "Severity 4": 0}
casualties_night = {"Severity 1": 0, "Severity 2": 0, "Severity 3": 0, "Severity 4": 0}
casualties_transit = {"Severity 1": 0, "Severity 2": 0, "Severity 3": 0, "Severity 4": 0}

# Process one single realization (zero-based) as specified on the command-line
print("Processing realization {} of {}".format(rlzi+1, num_rlzs))
filename = "consequences-rlz-" + str(rlzi).zfill(3) + "_" + str(calc_id) + ".csv"
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
# Write the header row to the csv file
["asset_ref", "number_of_buildings",
"value_structural", "value_nonstructural", "value_contents",
"occupants_day", "occupants_night", "occupants_transit",
"collapse_ratio", "mean_repair_time",
"mean_recovery_time", "mean_interruption_time",
"casualties_day_severity_1", "casualties_day_severity_2",
"casualties_day_severity_3", "casualties_day_severity_4",
"casualties_night_severity_1", "casualties_night_severity_2",
"casualties_night_severity_3", "casualties_night_severity_4",
"casualties_transit_severity_1", "casualties_transit_severity_2",
"casualties_transit_severity_3", "casualties_transit_severity_4",
"sc_Displ3", "sc_Displ30", "sc_Displ90", "sc_Displ180", "sc_Displ360",
"sc_BusDispl30", "sc_BusDispl90", "sc_BusDispl180", "sc_BusDispl360",
"debris_brick_wood_tons", "debris_concrete_steel_tons"])

for asset in tqdm(assetcol, desc=str(rlzi+1).rjust(3), position=rlzi, mininterval=1):
asset_ref = asset['id'].decode()
asset_occ, asset_typ, code_level = taxonomies[asset['taxonomy']].split('-')
if calculation_mode == 'scenario_damage':
# Note: engine versions <3.10 require an additional 'stat' variable
# as the previous output includes mean and stddev fields
# asset_damages = damages[asset['ordinal'], rlzi, lt, stat]
asset_damages = damages[asset['ordinal'], rlzi, lt]
elif calculation_mode == 'classical_damage':
asset_damages = damages[asset['ordinal'], stat, rlzi]
asset_damages = [max(0, d) for d in asset_damages]
asset_damage_ratios = [d/asset['number'] for d in asset_damages]

# Repair and recovery time estimates
# Hazus tables 15.9, 15.10, 15.11
repair_time =
asset_damage_ratios, repair_time_df.loc[asset_occ])
recovery_time =
asset_damage_ratios, recovery_time_df.loc[asset_occ])
interruption_time =
asset_damage_ratios, recovery_time_df.loc[asset_occ] * interruption_time_df.loc[asset_occ])

# Debris weight estimates
# Hazus tables 12.1, 12.2, 12.3
unit_weight = unit_weight_df.loc[asset_typ]
weight_brick_wood = (
unit_weight["Brick, Wood and Other"]
* square_footage_df.loc[asset_occ].values[0] / 1000
* asset['number'])
weight_concrete_steel = (
unit_weight["Reinforced Concrete and Steel"]
* square_footage_df.loc[asset_occ].values[0] / 1000
* asset['number'])
debris_brick_wood_pct = debris_brick_wood_pct_df.loc[asset_typ]
debris_concrete_steel_pct = debris_concrete_steel_pct_df.loc[asset_typ]

debris_brick_wood_str = weight_brick_wood["Structural"] *
asset_damage_ratios, debris_brick_wood_pct["Structural Damage State"] / 100)
debris_brick_wood_nst = weight_brick_wood["Nonstructural"] *
asset_damage_ratios, debris_brick_wood_pct["Nonstructural Damage State"] / 100)
debris_concrete_steel_str = weight_concrete_steel["Structural"] *
asset_damage_ratios, debris_concrete_steel_pct["Structural Damage State"] / 100)
debris_concrete_steel_nst = weight_concrete_steel["Nonstructural"] *
asset_damage_ratios, debris_concrete_steel_pct["Nonstructural Damage State"] / 100)

debris_brick_wood = debris_brick_wood_str + debris_brick_wood_nst
debris_concrete_steel = debris_concrete_steel_str + debris_concrete_steel_nst

# Estimate number of displaced occupants based on heuristics provided by Murray
sc_Displ3 = asset["occupants_night"] if recovery_time > 3 else 0
sc_Displ30 = asset["occupants_night"] if recovery_time > 30 else 0
sc_Displ90 = asset["occupants_night"] if recovery_time > 90 else 0
sc_Displ180 = asset["occupants_night"] if recovery_time > 180 else 0
sc_Displ360 = asset["occupants_night"] if recovery_time > 360 else 0
sc_BusDispl30 = asset["occupants_day"] if recovery_time > 30 else 0
sc_BusDispl90 = asset["occupants_day"] if recovery_time > 90 else 0
sc_BusDispl180 = asset["occupants_day"] if recovery_time > 180 else 0
sc_BusDispl360 = asset["occupants_day"] if recovery_time > 360 else 0

# Split complete damage state into collapse and non-collapse
# This distinction is then used for the casualty estimates
# Collapse rates given complete damage are from Hazus table 13.8
collapse_rate = collapse_rate_df.loc[asset_typ].values[0]
dmg = {
"Slight Damage": asset_damage_ratios[1],
"Moderate Damage": asset_damage_ratios[2],
"Extensive Damage": asset_damage_ratios[3],
"Complete Damage (No Collapse)": asset_damage_ratios[4]*(1 - collapse_rate),
"Complete Damage (With Collapse)": asset_damage_ratios[4]*collapse_rate
collapse_ratio = dmg["Complete Damage (With Collapse)"]
collapse_ratio_str = "{:.2e}".format(collapse_ratio) if collapse_ratio else '0'

# Estimate casualties (day/night/transit) at four severity levels
# Hazus tables 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, 13.6, 13.7
for severity_level in severity_levels:
casualty_ratio =
list(dmg.values()), casualty_rate_in_df.loc[asset_typ][:, severity_level])
casualties_day[severity_level] = (
casualty_ratio * asset["occupants_day"])
casualties_night[severity_level] = (
casualty_ratio * asset["occupants_night"])
casualties_transit[severity_level] = (
casualty_ratio * asset["occupants_transit"])

# Write all consequence estimates for this asset to the csv file
"{0:,.2f}".format(casualties_day["Severity 1"]),
"{0:,.2f}".format(casualties_day["Severity 2"]),
"{0:,.2f}".format(casualties_day["Severity 3"]),
"{0:,.2f}".format(casualties_day["Severity 4"]),
"{0:,.2f}".format(casualties_night["Severity 1"]),
"{0:,.2f}".format(casualties_night["Severity 2"]),
"{0:,.2f}".format(casualties_night["Severity 3"]),
"{0:,.2f}".format(casualties_night["Severity 4"]),
"{0:,.2f}".format(casualties_transit["Severity 1"]),
"{0:,.2f}".format(casualties_transit["Severity 2"]),
"{0:,.2f}".format(casualties_transit["Severity 3"]),
"{0:,.2f}".format(casualties_transit["Severity 4"]),

if __name__ == "__main__":
calculate_consequences(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]))
14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -29,6 +29,14 @@ USAGE: NAME [-h -d -r -[b/o] -[s] -[l]]

run_consequences_in_parallel() {
# Use GNU parallel to run consequences processing in parallel.
local calc_id num_rlzs
num_rlzs=$(python3 -c 'import sys; from openquake.baselib import datastore; calc_id = datastore.get_last_calc_id() if sys.argv[1] == "-1" else int(sys.argv[1]); dstore =; print(len(dstore["weights"]));' "${calc_id}" 2>/dev/null)
parallel --keep-order --tag --ungroup "python3 scripts/ \"${calc_id}\" {}" ::: $(seq -s ' ' 0 $((num_rlzs - 1)))

#if [[ $LAPTOP != 'True' ]]; then
#shut_down_ec2_instance() {
@@ -184,7 +192,7 @@ if [[ $DMGFLAG == "1" ]]; then
oq export realizations -2 -e csv -d temp
CALCID=$(ls -t temp/avg_damages-rlz-???_* | head -1 | awk -F'[_.]' '{print $(NF-1)}')
python3 "$AVG_LOC" "$NAME" "${arr[0]}" "$CALCID" $expoSuffix damage
python3 "$CONSQ_LOC" -2
run_consequences_in_parallel -2
declare -a files=($(ls consequences-rlz-???_-2.csv)) #conseq script doesn't know real calc id, so need to replace the "-2"
for file in "${files[@]}"; do mv "$file" "temp/$(basename "$file" "-2.csv")${CALCID}.csv"; done
python3 "$AVG_LOC" "$NAME" "${arr[0]}" "$CALCID" $expoSuffix consequence
@@ -195,7 +203,7 @@ if [[ $DMGFLAG == "1" ]]; then
oq export realizations -1 -e csv -d temp
CALCID=$(ls -t temp/avg_damages-rlz-???_* | head -1 | awk -F'[_.]' '{print $(NF-1)}')
python3 "$AVG_LOC" "$NAME" "${arr[1]}" "$CALCID" $expoSuffix damage
python3 "$CONSQ_LOC" -1
run_consequences_in_parallel -1
mv consequences-rlz-???_"${CALCID}".csv temp/
python3 "$AVG_LOC" "$NAME" "${arr[1]}" "$CALCID" $expoSuffix consequence
rm -f temp/consequences-rlz-???_"${CALCID}".csv temp/realizations_"${CALCID}".csv temp/avg_damages-rlz-???_"${CALCID}".csv #clear temp dir
@@ -207,7 +215,7 @@ if [[ $DMGFLAG == "1" ]]; then
oq export realizations -1 -e csv -d temp
CALCID=$(ls -t temp/avg_damages-rlz-???_* | head -1 | awk -F'[_.]' '{print $(NF-1)}')
python3 $AVG_LOC "$NAME" "${arr[0]}" "$CALCID" $expoSuffix damage
python3 $CONSQ_LOC -1
run_consequences_in_parallel -1
mv consequences-rlz-???_"${CALCID}".csv temp/
python3 $AVG_LOC "$NAME" "${arr[0]}" "$CALCID" $expoSuffix consequence
rm -f temp/consequences-rlz-???_"${CALCID}".csv temp/realizations_"${CALCID}".csv temp/avg_damages-rlz-???_"${CALCID}".csv #clear temp dir

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