title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
READ ME for New Editors |
Editing Principles and Wiki Design Goals |
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2023-08-29 14:51:12 UTC |
editor |
markdown |
2023-08-06 22:59:14 UTC |
Thank you for requesting permissions to edit the AXI wiki!
There are a few guiding priciples we want all of our editors to be familiar with before beginning their hardwork.
The following section is written to provide examples of thoughtfullness desired in our editors. There are a few notes to roughly explain how the wiki works and is maintained as well as provide direction to some immediate work that could be done to improve the AXI wiki.
We want to be in agreement before restructuring the wiki so please check with AXI staff before adding, moving, or removing sections.
When planning a page edit, if there is a "primary editor" of a page, check with them as a courtesy before committing changes. In example, Airom has done a bunch of work on the recommended builds, Mechan created the cursed builds page, etc. Please communicate with them first about your ideas.
If your changes include adding new web assets (like images), then upload them to the wiki first instead of linking them, this way the wiki git repository has its own copy of the asset, hopefully preventing any elements from breaking over time.
The user experience for the information published by AXI can be inconsistent and difficult to navigate. Clearly written goals and evaluations are proposed for changes to improve the user experience and accuracy of the information presented within the wiki. The overall goal should be to provide to the community with an effective and consicely written primary repository of AXI related articles.
Fixing typos and grammatical mistakes are always expected of every recommendation for changes and is thusly not mentioned going forward.
The members listed below may not necessarily be actively involved with the development of the wiki, but they have been entrusted with the permissions to manage the wiki at a higher level than editors. |---|---| | CMDR Mechan | @astyrrean | CMDR Avasa Siuu | @arsspartanash | CMDR Grimscrub | @grimscrub | CMDR Darth_Vader | @darth__vader | CMDR Aranionros Stormrage | @aranionros | CMDR Toyotanos | @toyotanos | CMDR Pyrocujo | @pyrocujo
https://wiki.antixenoinitiative.com is based on Node.js and Git under the requarks.io open source project. A very short documentation page for Wiki.js is provided at https://docs.requarks.io/guide/intro with an intro to markdown https://docs.requarks.io/editors/markdown. The commonmark specification which has a much more detailed doc with examples here: https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/
The wiki provides an edit interface that allows for semi-complete rendering on-the-fly. New assets, pages, and page versions are synched with an SQL database and pushed to the AXI github which acts like a backup copy. Editing and deleting files in the github repo doesn't affect the wiki, as the wiki only copies edits from existing files.
Consider the following section as a roadmap for achieving the goal improving user experiences. The following Webpages' Goals and Effects section is formatted;
- Webpage short description
- Webpage's intended goals
- An evaluation of whether the webpage achieves its goals, and
- Any recommendations for changes.
Consider adding your page below and define its goals so we can get the most out of your work!
- Introduction to the AXI wiki
- Provides immediate direction to the audience what to expect from and how to use this wiki, a logical starting place for the new user, quicklinks for high-priority popular topics, and an invitation to contribute to the wiki.
- Instructions for how to use this wiki are unclear
- Adding a section to explain page navigation and maybe express that several features appear on every page that the average user cannot utilize could help to proactively set user expectations. For example, who can comment on any given page.
- Introduction for users that have been granted editing permissions
- This page needs to lay ground rules for editorial work and also lay out some kind of organizational plan so future iterations of AXI webpages are effective and useful.
- It's currently in its first revision and could use input from everyone
- An exhaustive list could be produced for all the webpages and could use the evaluation/recommendation treatment. Perhaps a section on Staff members could be explicitly provided so that the above instruction, "check with AXI staff" can be clearly and completely understood.
- Introduction to the Thargoid xenos
- Introduce the average pilot to Thargoids; provide context to the audience "so what's a Thargoid and what does it have to do with me?" Provide references for the interested audience to study Thargoids in greater detail
- the page does not succeed in "what does it have to do with me" but indirectly provides an overview, that they are dangerous, humanity has develeped x, and pilots can fight them.
- A section could be written to follow up "the Thargoids are a nonhuman race with a history of hostility towards humanity" to the effect of "we are at war... pilots that choose to attempt combat with Thargoids are rewarded for their bravery... AXI Ranks for distinguishing accomplished combatants, etc."
- A Pilot's one-stop shop for everything Maelstrom related
- Introduces the Maelstrom, explains the commmon activities to do there, provides recommendations for those activities, and provides a placeholder for currently unreleased war mechanics
- add recommendations for Titan combat section
- a collection of AXI jargon and what it means
- Compile in one location commonly used names, phrases, and words that have particular meaning to AXI within the context of Elite Dangerous.
- this page does not exist yet
- a quick reference for all wiki users to see what's new
- Allows editors a convenient place to "announce" changes and/or fixes they've made to the wiki.
- Starting point for players to learn the most convenient input overlay setups to expand their toolset.
- Explain input overlays and common usage, then direct users to setup guides and resources.