title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
true |
2021-09-19 07:57:07 UTC |
admin |
markdown |
2021-06-23 11:45:35 UTC |
This is the Official Wiki Repository for the AXI wiki. This page will act as a home for all development and changes done to the Wiki.
Wiki: https://wiki.antixenoinitiative.com/
Join us in the discussion in the Anti-Xeno Initiative Discord
Documents created within this repository are directly connected to pages in the AXI wiki. Pages can be created in the following formats:
- Markdown: Using Markdown formatting
- HTML: Using Basic HTML Formatting
IMPORTANT: This sync should only be used for editing existing files, do not try to create new files or change file types as this won't work. For editing page types, use the built-in editor in the wiki.
Each page requires METADATA at the start of the file.
Markdown METADATA Example
title: README
published: true
date: 2021-06-23T11:45:38.074Z
editor: markdown
dateCreated: 2021-06-23T11:45:35.407Z
title: Basic Combat Guide
description: The fundamental concepts of AX combat and how to fight an Interceptor.
published: true
date: 2021-06-17T04:27:27.194Z
tags: combat, thargoids, interceptors
editor: code
dateCreated: 2021-06-17T03:18:38.671Z
The GitHub repository will syncronize all changes (bi-directionally) with the AXI Wiki every 5 minutes. If a urgent change is needed contact Mgram#6610 on the AXI Discord.
Translation is managed through Crowdin, translate pages here: https://crowdin.com/project/axiwiki
The following terms should not be translated.
DNT (Do not translate)
- Thargoid
- Cyclops
- Basilisk
- Medusa
- Hydra
- Inciter
- Regenerator
- Marauder
- Berserker
Do NOT translate any of the links or their paths
Eg: "/en/builds" is a file path reference, if you edit this, the link will break.