WikiBot is a discord bot which makes wikipedia research, weather forecasts and more…
The last version was released on the 23 of May 2021.
This code was provided with license GNU General Public License v3.0.
WikiBot is no longer available.
/r number_of_random_article [; language]
/p name_of_article [; language]
/p+ name_of_the_article [; language]
This last function apply an automatic correction on the title given.
/s search_terms [; language]
/n the_newspaper's_name [; number_of_newspaper_articles [+]]
The weather forecasts are provided by the OpenWeather's API.
/w the_city_name [; day_of_the_forecast]
The day parameter allow you to see the day. 0 is today, 1 tomorrow… The maximum is 7.
This argument allows you to choose the language of article on wikipedia or the destination language for translations. This parameter is optional, per default language is set on english. For change this, please use ISO abbreviations.
/r 1 ; de
Returns a random article in german.
/p Paris ; fr
Returns the Paris's wikipedia page in french.
If you have a doubt on the spelling of your search, use /p+ …
/s Sea
Returns a list of wikipedia pages in english about the 'sea'.
/n The Lancet
Returns the last article of the Lancet.
/n The Lancet ; 2
Returns the two last articles of The Lancet.
/n The Lancet ; 2+
Returns the second article only.
The number of the article is specified on the embed title.
/w Paris ; 1
Returns the weather for Paris tomorrow.