###Short sample
const QnA = require('botbuilder-qna-maker');
// Send request to QnA maker, get an answer
const serviceGuid = '<INSERT SERVICE ID>';
const subscriptionKey = '<INSERT SUBSCRIPTION KEY>';
const qna = new QnA(serviceGuid, subscriptionKey);
const answer = await qna.answer('hi!');
###What's it for?
This package provides a shortcut to call the Microsoft QnA Maker service and get a response. It works with bots written in Node.js using Microsoft Bot Framework (see the botbuilder
package), but actually can be used in any code, not just in a bot.
###Methods and Static Members
The constructor takes two required and one optional parameter:
const qna = new QnA(serviceGuid, subscriptionKey, host);
You can get all of them from the Settings page at qnamaker.ai.
As for the host
, by default we're using the West US server ( https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/qnamaker/v2.0
) but you can change it if the service becomes available in another region.
async answer(question)
- retrieves an answer and returns it as string, without any metadata.async getRawAnswer(question)
- retrieves an answer together with some metadata like the original question and the confidence score. Returns an object.
Static Members:
QnA.FAILED_ANSWER = 'No good match found in the KB';
This is the answer returned by QnA maker when there is no suitable answer found. You can use it to output your own message:
if (answer === QnA.FAILED_ANSWER) {
console.log('Oops, no answer found.');
} else {
###Comments and suggestions If you have any comments, contact me here: https://github.com/catcher-in-the-try/