Proyect deployed on Kovan network, this smart contract is able to send transfer to any Kovan address, this transfers must be accepted by two of the members of the approvers list simulating a multisignature wallet,
- Solidity
- React
- Web3
- Truffle
- Truffle HDWallet Provider
- Chakra UI CSS Framework
These are the private keys of the members of the contract import them to Metamask to interact with the smart contract
- 9907cdcefc64d78f7e48d87577e2824f158c192007d6a03ede71b6e73d8f04ab
- 63a98c95d6f9920f132c40b5997037c56e66f718022fdff97a6d5bfba43b6177
- 7929a652e363e2bcf8b3fa4b708b202acc1191d99d1200b4ce5f734fd14f31b8
Go to
1 - Connect with metamask after import private key from one of the accounts
2 - Create a transfer to an KETH address of your choice
4 - Connect with another of the accounts and approve transfer