Table of contents Trilium widget for editable and readonly text notes.
- The ToC is live and automatically updated as new headers are added to the note.
- Works on editable and readonly text notes.
- Clicking on the ToC navigates the note.
- Tested on Trilium Desktop 0.50.3
- Create a code note of type JS Frontend with the contents of TocWidget.js
- Set the owned attributes (alt-a) to #widget
- noTocWidget: Set on the text notes you don't want to show the ToC for
- tocWidgetHeightPct: Percentage of pane height to use, 0 for dynamic, default is 30
- debugLevel: Enable output to the javascript console, default is "info"
(without quotes):
- "error" no javascript console output
- "warn" enable warn statements to the javascript console
- "info" enable info and previous levels statements to the javascript console
- "log" enable log and previous levels statements to the javascript console
- "debug" enable debug and previous levels statements to the javascript console
- None
- Nothing