This Library Management System is a web-based application designed to streamline the process of managing books and user interactions within a library. The system allows users to explore a collection of books, borrow and return them, and share their reviews. It also includes robust account management and financial transaction features.
- View book details including title, description, image, borrowing price, and user reviews.
- Filter books by categories for easier navigation.
- Create, log in, and log out of user accounts.
- Deposit money into user accounts.
- Borrow and return books using deposited funds.
- Receive email notifications for successful deposits and borrowing transactions.
- Track borrowing history and display it in user profiles.
- Review borrowed books.
- Manage account balances and transaction histories.
- Refund borrowed amounts upon returning books.
- The project is deployed on Render
Django: Django framework and it's template engine.
SQLite: SQLite as Database for stroing data.
Bootstrap: CSS framework for responsive and modern UI design.
HTML/CSS : HTML and CSS for markup and styling.