- Writing log.info is just a tip of an iceberg. Rather, what we must see is architecture of the project, reasons for logging(Support, Data Analytics, Security Checks, Application Issues, Functional Bugs, Ticket Creation, etc), logging architecture(Centralized/Decentralized,Partionioned/SOA/Microservices, Implementaion Library, Different Application Tech Stacks and sync ups)
- Configurable
- Log levels
- Log destination
- Able to analyze bugs and perform Data Analytics
- Depends on architecture which is built
- Write to DB & perform SQL to check type of log. Or use ELK framework & Splunk Architecture to perform analytics
- Performance hit on synchronizing file access between multiple modules & file lock
- Logs are queued or cached in RAM first and then dumped to disk in sequence as write speed allows
- Fishtag or Sleuth used for assigning unique IDs to logs to keep consitency across microservices
- Microservices architecture reduces overhead of log file size. Even SQL Partitioning can be done for logging
- JDK 1.4 : java.util.logging has Loggers, Handlers
- Log4J : Library introduced for Loggers, Formatting Options & Appenders(File,Console,Rolling File, JDBC, SMTP, JMS)
- If logging style change required, all methods had to be changed, which created problem
- Introduction of Facade Library : Apache Commons, SLF4J(Most common). Implementation needed with other libraries
- Implementation Library with SLF4J support also : Logback, Log4J2
- Any need for change won't require effort to change methods accordingly for implementation library. Instead an interface facade library takes care of the same. And a single dependency change does the job
- Lazy Loading messages
- Async Logging
- spring-boot-starter-web -> Pulls spring-boot-starter-logging -> Pulls spring-jcl(Spring Commons Logging Bridge)
- Logback : Successor of Log4j
- Can be checked using mvn dependency:tree
- Check others here
- Default level : INFO
- Logger
- Formatter/Renderer
- Handler(Appender)
- Message + Metadata -> Logger captures & passes to Logging framework -> Passed to Formatter -> Passed to Appender for disposition-> Output(Console Display/Disk writing/Append to DB/Email,etc)
- Logger & Appender : Present in basic Logging but less configurable across environments
- Passes Object/Exception to Logger Object with given name/identifier
- Does formatting
- Example : Takes binary object -> Convert to String representation
- Listens for message & posts appropriately in output
- ConsoleAppender : Rolls details in console
- FileAppender : Rolls details to file mentioned
- Defines log level threshold above which to log for each resource
- Adding needed Libraries/JARs
- Configuration
- Log Statements
- Adding below dependency in pom.xml
- Simple Logging in any class
public class RestController {
Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SpringLoggingProjectApplication.class);
String logMessage(){
log.info("Hi Anupama, Logging a message here...");
return "Message logged in Console";
- Logging format as below
2021-06-13 18:11:38.860 INFO 36336 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] c.a.s.SpringLoggingProjectApplication : Hi Anupama, Logging a message here...
- Now, add log4j2.xml in src/main/resources and check logging format
- Significance of below format : %d : Date, %p : Priority(Logging Severity), %t : Thread, %c : Class, %n : New Line, And rest uri & endpoint configured using Logging Interceptor and registering the same for WebMvcConfigurer registry
%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} | %5p | (%15.15t) | [%c{1}] : %m; | uri=%X{URI}; endpoint=%X{ENDPOINT}; queryString=%X{QUERYSTRING};%n
21:26:22.979 | INFO | (nio-8080-exec-2) | [LoggingInterceptor] : Incoming Request; | uri=/log; endpoint=logMessage; queryString=;
21:26:23.003 | INFO | (nio-8080-exec-2) | [SpringLoggingProjectApplication] : INFO : Hi Anupama, Logging a message here...; | uri=/log; endpoint=logMessage; queryString=;
21:26:23.003 | ERROR | (nio-8080-exec-2) | [SpringLoggingProjectApplication] : ERROR : Hi Anupama, Logging a message here...; | uri=/log; endpoint=logMessage; queryString=;
21:26:23.004 | WARN | (nio-8080-exec-2) | [SpringLoggingProjectApplication] : WARN : Hi Anupama, Logging a message here...; | uri=/log; endpoint=logMessage; queryString=;
21:26:23.064 | INFO | (nio-8080-exec-2) | [LoggingInterceptor] : Request Completed; execTime=87ms; | uri=/log; endpoint=logMessage; queryString=;
- This creates a directory log in project path and creates application.log as mentioned in xml file
- LMAX disruptor dependency is used
- https://www.baeldung.com/java-logging-intro
- https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/appenders.html