Official android app for the annual technical fest "TechTatva'17" of Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India.
- A home screen which provides quick access to daily events and results
- Event descriptions along with location, time, date and contact info
- Filter events by Name, Category, Start/End Time and Venue
- Event info available even in offline mode
- Notifications for the events you add to favourites
- Easy managing of favourites
- Live Result updates
- Follow #techtatva17 via Instagram
- Enjoy Online Events within the app
- Push notifications
- SwipeDownRefreshLayout
- ViewPager with FragmentPagerAdapter
- Picasso library by Square Open Source to fetch images from API
- Gson library by Google & Retrofit library by Square Open Source to consume the API
- Firebase for config files, crash analytics and push notifications
- MaterialRangeBar for selecting the Filter time
- Instagram API for #techtatva16
- RecyclerView with CustomRecyclerViewAdapter