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Reward creators and curators

askender edited this page May 18, 2021 · 1 revision

Reward creators and sharers/curators with Filecoin&Likecoin now. And better UX and more tokens will be added too.

You can get this feature in the Dweb-Search:

  • we support likecoin by using (a web2 version api), and the web3 api is comming soon. we use keplr and ledger.
  • we support filecoin by qrcode, because the data need to be stored on Filecoin. (the data in IPFS will lost in some case.)
  • we support more kinds of tokens and apis soon. For wikipeidia, they use bitpay, so we support it too.

One of the incentive mechanism in the future:

And if you give some help to the project (such as tell us good sites which have ipfs content or send us pull-requests), we will send you some tokens as gift/airdrop.

I used to be a NLP/NLU/knowledge-graph/semantic-web researcher, and I want explore this topic in a different way.

We are exploring better crowdsource incentive mechanisms and make human knowledge more organized!