Setworks are networks of complex set intersections. Setworks are set visualizations that scale. Read the preprint if you'd like to know more.
Setworks do not depend on a particular programming language. Grab a pen and paper, or a sophisticated package dedicated to graphs in the language of your choice.
The Shiny app demonstrates setworks in R, powered by ggraph.
Use of the web app is limited to 25 hours per month. If it is no longer available, just download this repository and run the app in RStudio.
Suggestions are welcome. Also, feel free to share examples of great setworks, or packages (in any language) that work well with setworks. If you create a reprex and share it on gist, I'll post it here.
If you use setworks, please cite:
Savi, A. O. (2021). Setworks: Networks of complex set intersections. PsyArXiv.
Setworks may not suit your specific needs. Here is a list of alternative approaches to visualizing large numbers of intersections.