Code to perform identifiability analysis for stochastic differential equations. Repository is supplementary material for the preprint "Identifiability analysis for stochastic differential equation models in systems biology" available on bioRxiv.
The majority of the code contains the Julia
module Identifiability
that performs practical identifiability analysis using pseudo-marginal Markov-chain Monte-Carlo (PM-MCMC). This repository also contains scripts to perform structural identifiability analysis using the moment equations in both DAISY
(Bellu 2007), a package written for the freeware REDUCE
computer algebra system, and GenSSI
(Chiş 2011), a package written for MATLAB
Ensure Julia
is installed (see Required software) and download the repository, in its entirety, to your machine. You should then run Install_Required_Packages.jl
from the Module
Use the following commands to add the module to your current search path, and load the module:
push!(LOAD_PATH,"/path/to/module/folder/") # Add to load path
using Identifiability # Load module
If using Windows, ensure to escape the backslashes in the path: C:\\path\\to\\module\\folder
, or use Unix style forward slashes.
The module Identifiability
provides access to the following functions, each thoroughly documented.
to generate synthetic data and/or simulate data from the SDESimulateSSA()
to generate synthetic data and/or simulate data from the SSAMetropolisHastings()
to perform MCMC with the MH algorithm (log-likelihood provided)DeterministicMH()
to perform MCMC for an ODE modelPseudoMarginalMH()
perform PM-MCMC with the MH algorithmGetLogPrior
(MCMC setup)OptimalProposal()
(MCMC setup)PriorPDF()
to plot prior distributionDiagnostics()
to calculate R̂ and neff diagnosticsCredibleIntervals()
to estimate posterior credible intervalsPosteriorPredictiveQuantiles()
to estimate quantiles of the posterior predictive distribution
The following plotting functions are also available:
to plot MCMC results in a scatter plot matrixPlotTraces()
to plot only MCMC traces (i.e., from a pilot run)
All functions are thoroughly documented. To obtain documentation for each function, type (for the PseudoMarginalMH()
All results in the main and supporting material documents can be obtained by running the corresponding script in the Results
folder. By default load = true
the results are loaded from a .jld2
file rather than recomputed. Before running scripts with load = true
ensure the working directory of the Julia
session, pwd()
is set to the results folder:
Approximate runtimes for the full computation of the results for each model (using a 3.7GHz Quad-Code i7 desktop running Windows 10), and figures produced, are given below.
Script | Figure(s) | Runtime |
Figure3.jl |
Figure 3 | 3 seconds |
M1_BirthDeath.jl |
Figures 4 & 5 | 2 hours |
M2_TwoPool.jl |
Figures 6 – 8 | 17 hours |
M3_SEIR.jl |
Figures 9 & 10 | 7 hours |
M4_BetaIG.jl |
Figure 11 – 13 | 55 hours |
Note that the code uses the .Threads
module to run four MCMC chains simultaneously on CPU threads. Use the nthreads()
command to verify the number of threads in the JULIA_NUM_THREADS
environment variable. For more information on setting the number of threads in Julia visit
Input files to perform structural identifiability analysis in DAISY
are provided in the DAISY
folder. Output files (_Result.txt
) are also provided.
(these instructions are for redpsl
, command line REDUCE
) are installed (see Required software) are installed, run redpsl
and load DAISY
by typing daisy()$
press enter. You must first tell DAISY
to output a file using the OUT
command, before inputting the file with the IN
command. For example, to run DAISY
on the BirthDeathO1.txt
(perform identifiability analysis on the birth-death ODE model), outputting results to BirthDeathO1_Result.txt
, use the following commands:
OUT "/path/to/daisy/folder/M1_BirthDeath/BirthDeathO1_Result.txt"$
IN "/path/to/daisy/folder/M1_BirthDeath/BirthDeathO1.txt"$
SHUT "/path/to/daisy/folder/M1_BirthDeath/BirthDeathO1_Result.txt"$
before calling DAISY
Note that DAISY
can take a significant amount of time to run, depending on the complexity of the model. The runtimes for each model are provided below:
Model | Script | Runtime |
Birth Death | _ODE.txt |
<1 s |
_SDE.txt |
<1 s | |
Two Pool | _O1.txt |
<1 s |
_O2.txt |
<1 s | |
Epidemic | _ODE.txt |
5 s |
_SDE_MeanField.txt |
1 m | |
_SDE_PairWise.txt |
16 h | |
_SDE_Gaussian.txt |
7 h |
input files are well commented, and correspond to moment equations derived in the main document and the supporting material document.
scripts to perform structural identifiability analysis in GenSSI
are provided in the GenSSI
folder. Output files (_Result.txt
) are also provided.
Once GenSSI
is installed, open MATLAB
and run genssiStartup
from the folder containing GenSSI
(unless installed to your MATLAB
directory). To run analysis on the Two Pool model, for example, run runTwoPool
from the M2_TwoPool
folder. GenSSI
can be significantly faster than DAISY
for non-polynomial moment equations (each model takes seconds to run).
can be downloaded from or on macOS usinghomebrew
: just runbrew cask install julia
in terminal.- All
packages used are available from the standard package installed. RunModule/Install_Required_Packages.jl
to ensure all required packages are installed. DAISY
, along with instructions for installingREDUCE
and tutorials for usingDAISY
, are available from https://daisy.dei.unipd.itGenSSI
, along with tutorials for usingGenSSI
, are available from
(Recommended) I recommend the Juno IDE for Julia
available for Atom
- Bellu G, Saccomani MP, Audoly S, D'Angiò L. 2007 DAISY: A new software tool to test global identiability of biological and physiological systems. Comput. Meth. Prog. Bio. 88, 52-61.
- Chiş O, Banga J, Balsa-Canto E. 2011 GenSSI: a software toolbox for structural identifiability analysis of biological models. Bioinformatics 27, 2610-2611.