This project contains the project's webpage.
Its deployment is done via asf.yaml. Every commit is directly pushed and available on
The current SNAPSHOT version of RAT can be found in rat017 and is generated manually.
RAT uses Jira to track issues of the currently planned release.
In order to sync the current webpage (taken from current SNAPSHOT) you need to run the following commands:
$ cd creadur-rat
$ mvn clean site:site site:stage
$ cd ../creadur-site
$ cp -rvf ../creadur-rat/target/staging/* ./rat/
Make sure to manually adapt download pages as they need to reference the current release and SNAPSHOT versions!
$ git commit -am "Update site build for RAT"
WARNING! This will sync the current master branch/SNAPSHOT version of the homepage if not run on the release branch
Have a look in RAT's buildtools folder if you want to generate a preview webpage.
Same, but:
$ cd creadur-tentacles
$ mvn clean site:site site:stage
$ cd ../creadur-site
$ cp -rvf ../creadur-tentacles/target/staging/* ./tentacles/
Make sure to manually adapt download pages as they need to reference the current release and SNAPSHOT versions!
$ git commit -am "Update site build for TENTACLES"
Have a look in TENTACLES' buildtools folder if you want to generate a preview webpage.
Same, but:
$ cd creadur-whisker
$ mvn clean site:site site:stage
$ cd ../creadur-site
$ cp -rvf ../creadur-whisker/target/staging/* ./whisker/
Make sure to manually adapt download pages as they need to reference the current release and SNAPSHOT versions!
$ git commit -am "Update site build for WHISKER"
Have a look in WHISKER's buildtools folder if you want to generate a preview webpage.
Due to problems when generating Javadoc do only use JDK16! Newer versions run into NPE during path traversal.
It may happen that you need access to the original release candidate JARs in order to have all of the necessary test JARs to perform a site build, see RAT-341 for details. As a workaround copy these files into your local .m2 repository and run a site build:
$ mvn site:site site:stage
$ cd creadur-rat
$ git checkout apache-rat-project-0.16.1
$ mvn clean site:site site:stage
Verify contents under target/staging
$ cd ../creadur-site
$ mkdir rat016
$ cp -rvf ../creadur-rat/target/staging/* ./rat0161/
Make sure to manually adapt download pages as they need to reference the current release and SNAPSHOT versions!
$ git commit -am "Push new preview version of RAT 0.16.1"
This will allow a preview of the release site build at rat0161
Make sure that does not yield a 404. RAT's changelog consists of 2 versions:
Usually it helps to copy over the release-generated version into the subfolder /rat of this project
Make sure to generate a combined changelog that includes the most current release, available under relase-notes/rat.txt
The whole page can be started locally with the help of docker-compose and will provide the contents via http://localhost:8888
Happy hacking :)