2.4.2 — 2019-12-04
Fixed don't set interrupt flag again after catching interrupt exception in Pulsar Client #5643
Fixed data is not deleted after expiration due to connected readers #5621
Fixed the go client docs missing in website #5595
Fixed schema def build error with protobuf schema #5569
Fixed docs about reset cursor #5551
Fixed repeated initialization of connectorsManager #5545
Fixed Functions unnecessarily restart during FunctionRuntimeManager init phase #5527
Fixed list non-persistent topics shows the persistent topics #5502
Return after triggering callback with empty result #5500
Fixed dispatcher skipping delivery of a batch during concurrent replays #5499
Fixed reader_listener option for Python API #5487
Fixed wrongly report "3600 messages have timed-out" #5477
Fixed broken custom auth-provider that uses authenticationData #5462
Fixed negative ack tracker constructor sequence #5453
Fixed StringSchema static initialization #5445
Fixed message corruption on OOM for batch messages #5443
Fixed couple functions related integration tests #5434
Fixed bug that namespace policies does not take effect due to NPE #5408
Fixed race condition : Failed to read-more entries on dispatcher #5391
Fixed potential deadlock that can occur in addConsumer #5371
Fixed proxy to be able to re-send request body #5361
Fixed pulsar can't load the customized SerDe #5357
Fixed instability in Pulsar Function window integration test #5337
Fixed bk write failure, use signals to resume writing #5322
Fixed bad_weak_ptr error when closing producer #5315
Fixed typo(massage->message) causing prometheus metrics display error #5299
Fixed invalidate cache on zk-cache timeout #5298
Fixed memory leak caused by not being executed ClientConnection destructor #5286
Fixed producer blocked after send an over size message while batch enabled #5282
Fixed race condition while triggering message redelivery after an ack-timeout event #5276
Fixed behavior when getting a key from functions state that doesn't exist #5272
Fixed Cmake to build _pulsar for osx #5263
Fixed client backoff setting does not take effect #5261
Fixed memory leak caused by deadline_timer holding object reference #5246
Fixed in Message Deduplication that may cause incorrect client/broker interaction #5243
Fixed bug that fails to search namespace bundle due to NPE #5191
Fixed bug that message delivery stops after resetting cursor for failover subscription #5185
Fixed exception type check order bug #5174
Fixed spark receiver to account for all the consumer config options #5152
Fixed broker fails to start with function worker enabled and broker client using TLS #5151
Fixed deadlock when resetting cursor #5136
Fixed windowed functions were broken when we changed java function instance to use classloaders #5117
Fixed storage size always 0 without subscription #5108
Add subscribe position param for consumer of sink #5532
Efficiency improvements for delay delivery tracker #5498
Add is_read_compacted to create_reader() in python API #5483
Make some common use method of ManagedLedger public #5472
Avoid leak on publish failure on batch message #5442
Record message failure and avoid exiting from process on publish failure #5441
Add support for partitioned topic consumer seek by time #5435
Add default loader for latest pyyaml #5432
Trim messages which less than mark delete position for message redelivery #5378
Make skip all messages async #5375
Set default ensemble size to 2 in service conf, to match broker.conf #5339
Only seek when reading unexpected entry #5356
Don't require both region and endpoint to be specified #5355
If cursor is not durable, close dispatcher when all consumers are removed from subscription #5340
Disable stickyRead by default #5321
Allow to specify delivery delay in C++ client #5317
Add debug log + fix thread-factory name #5302
Don't attempt to append on read-only cursor ledger #5297
Close previous dispatcher when subscription type changes #5288
Improve error handling logic for effectively once #5271
Upgrade dependencies for security fixes #5232
Allow for topic deletions with regex consumers #5230
Ensure consumer background tasks are cancelled after subscribe failures #5204
Added missing enum value KeyShared on the python wrapper #5196
Make some member variables of Dispatcher volatile #5193
Ensure getting list of topics for namespace is handled asynchronously #5188
Close RateLimiter instance #5155
Throw an error if the key was not specified for querying state #5145
Allow configuring region aware placement related settings #5100
DeleteBookieRack should remove the rack info from zookeeper #5084
Use "info" as the default root logger level #5079
Modify BatcherBuilder interface and it's subs to implement, otherwise occurs when we use plusar-flink-connector #5068
Don't return DEFAULT_RACK if ZkBookieRackAffinityMapping can't resolve network location #5067
Reload zk cache asynchronously #5049
Add different cache flags to ConcurrentOpenLongPairRangeSet for size() and toString() #5040
Introduce number of threads in perf producer program #5036
Completing connector configuration #4999
Add checkstyle validation and fix style violations in the common module #4989
Trim deleted entries after recover cursor #4987
Expose getLastMessageId method in ConsumerImpl #4911
Add a documentation page for metrics reference #4910
Provide a convenient method for C++ client producer batch container #4885
Add schema admin api get schema info with schema version #4877
Return Message ID for send for cpp and cgo client #4811
Add the schema admin api #4800
Clarify how retention interacts with readers #4780
Get schema info with topic partition #4751
Remove failed stale producer from the connection #4741
Update logic for picking active consumer for failover subscription on non-partitioned topic #4604
You can’t perform that action at this time.